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Mark Stuart Chris Forde

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1 Mark Stuart Chris Forde
Social protection for workers in the collaborative economy European Parliament, 30th March 2017 Mark Stuart Chris Forde

2 Background COLLABORATIVE ECONOMY exact figures remain elusive
estimates vary considerably definitions vary considerably: platform economy, gig economy, sharing economy? social protection challenge for policy makers

3 Aims How has the collaborative economy evolved?
What are the implications and challenges for social protection? Research ongoing – interim findings reported today

4 What is the collaborative economy?
Capital intensive Labour intensive Market Non-market Triangular Two-way Delivered online Delivered in person

5 Characteristics of collaborative economy working
Younger workforce Often done in addition to main job ‘Transactional’ engagement by workers Mostly low paid, but some high paid

6 Legal issues at national and EU level
Definitions of ‘worker’ Excludes many in the collaborative economy Challenges of employment and social protection Diverse configurations of employment arrangements

7 The meaning of the collaborative economy
DIFFERING PERCEPTIONS OF THE COLLABORATIVE ECONOMY ‘Gig’ ‘sharing’, ‘platform’ economy Intermediaries /platforms ‘key disrupters’ EU and US: many similarities

8 Results: Size/scope of collaborative economy
Little consensus Broad measures : ‘use any kind of platform’; ‘participate in on-demand economy’ Narrow: ‘Paid work via online platform’ (in last week/month) Country-specific variations Benefits and costs

9 Results: Social protection
Recognised challenges Variations across countries Better protection - well-established forms of working Intermediaries/platforms – creating/exploiting gaps? Protection not keeping pace with change

10 Extending social protection
Universal basic income Social security reform -statute of basic rights -legal reform Transaction taxes Representation through unions, intermediaries, co-operatives

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