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1 equations

2 Synthesis/Direct Combination
A + B  AB 2 elements combine to form a single compound

3 Decomposition AB  A + B Single compound is broken down

4 Single Replacement A + BX  AX + B
An uncombined element replaces and element that is part of a compound

5 Double Replacement AX + BY  AY + BX
2 atoms or ions from 2 different compounds switch places with each other

6 Identify the following equations:
3Mg + N2  Mg3N2 2K + 2 H2O  2KOH + H2 NH4OH  NH3 + H2O 3KOH + FeCl3  3KCl + Fe(OH)3

7 Complete the following:
CuS  _____________ + _____________ Br + Ag  ____________ Na + KOH  _________ + _____________ K2(CO3) + Ca(OH)2  _________ + _________

8 Equations/Reaction Type lab activity
SYNTHESIS  _______________ _______________

9 Equations/Reaction Type lab activity
DECOMPOSITION  _______________ _______________

10 Equations/Reaction Type lab activity
SINGLE REPLACEMENT  _______________ _______________

11 Equations/Reaction Type lab activity
DOUBLE REPLACEMENT  _______________ _______________

12 Balancing Equations The Law of Conservation of Matter states that “matter cannot be created nor destroyed”. Therefore, in a balanced chemical equation, the number of atoms of each element in the reactants MUST EQUAL the number of atoms of each element in the products!

13 CAUTION!!!! When balancing equations, you can only add or change coefficients (the big number in front of a formula)! Never change the subscripts of a balanced formula!!!

14 “Atom Inventory Method”
AIM “Atom Inventory Method” A strategy to help you determine the coefficients needed to balance a chemical equation. Remember to change your inventory every time you add a coefficient!

15 AIM Metal Nonmetal C H O

16 N2 + H2  NH3

17 CH4 + O2  CO2 + H2O

18 HCl + Fe2O3  FeCl3 + H2O

19 2C8H18 + O2  CO2 + H2O

20 Ca(OH)2 + H3PO4  Ca3(PO4)2 + H2O

21 Cu + H2SO4  Cu(SO4) + H2O + SO2

22 SiO2 + C  SiC + CO

23 (NH)3(PO4) + Ba(NO3)2  Ba3(PO4)2+ (NH4)(NO3)

24 (IP1) ____Mg + _____O2  _____MgO

25 (IP2) ____H2 + _____O2  _____H2O

26 (IP3) ___Cl2 +____KBr ____KCl +____Br2

27 (IP4) __Al2(SO4)3 + __ZnCl2  __AlCl3 +__ZnSO4

28 (IP5) ___C3H8 + ____O2  ___CO2 + ___H2O

29 Writing Balanced Equations:
1.) IDENTIFY or NAME each REACTANT & PRODUCT 2.)write CORRECTLY BALANCED FORMULAS for each reactant and product 3.) adjust the COEFFICIENTS in the equation, using AIM to have the same number of atoms of each element on each side

30 2. iron + chlorine  iron (III) chloride

31 3. magnesium + nitrogen  magnesium nitride

32 6. nitrogen + oxygen  nitrogen (V) oxide

33 8. potassium chlorate potassium chloride + oxygen

34 1. hydrogen chloride + calcium hydroxide calcium chloride + water

35 4. silver nitrate+ aluminum chloride silver chloride + aluminum nitrate

36 7. Iron(III)chloride+ sodium phosphate iron(III)phosphate + sodium chloride

37 5. potassium phosphate+ calcium nitrate ___________ + _____________

38 Key to 9-16: 9. Ba(OH)2 + 2HCl  BaCl2 + 2H(OH) 10. 2Al + 3Br2  2AlBr3 11. Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2 12. (NH4)(OH)  NH3 + H(OH) 13. 2Al2O3  4Al + 3O K + 2H(OH) 2 K(OH) + H Ba + N2  Ba3N2 16. SnCl4 + 2(NH4)2S  SnS2 + 4(NH4)Cl

39 Predicting if a SR rxn will Occur:
a single replacement rxn WILL OCCUR if the free metal is higher on ref. table J than the combined metal Which SR rxn will occur? Ca + Zn(NO3)2  Ca(NO3)2 + Zn Ca + KNO3  Ca(NO3)2 + 2K


41 Predicting if a DR rxn will Occur:
a double replacement rxn WILL OCCUR if the rxn 1.) forms a gas Na2S(aq) + 2HCl(aq)  H2S(g) + 2NaCl(aq) 2.) forms water (1 molecule not both ionic) NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq)  NaCl(aq) + H2O(l) 3.) forms a precipitate (Table F): form a solid AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq)  AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)

42 Which DR rxn will occur? KCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq)  AgCl + KNO3 KCl(aq) + NaNO3(aq)  NaCl + KNO3


44 Use reference table F to predict of the following double replacement rxns will produce a ppt (occur):

45 Use reference table F to predict of the following double replacement rxns will produce a ppt (occur):

46 Rxns hmwk: RB p. 40 #45, 48, 49-52, 54-59 45.) 3F2 + 2Ar  2ArF3 48.) 2Ni + O2 2NiO 49.) 2H2O 2H2 + O2 50.) 2Al2O3  4Al + 3O2 51.) 2NaCl  2Na + Cl2 52.) 2NH3  N2 + 3H2 54.) yes 55.) no 56.) yes 57.) yes 58.) yes 59.) SR D S DR

47 Writing Equations II: Determining Products
Aluminum reacts with magnesium sulfate oxidation state of Mg:_____ oxidation state of Al: _____ oxidation state of (SO4) ion:_______

48 Writing Equations II: Determining Products
2. Calcium chloride reacts with aluminum hydroxide oxidation state of Ca:_____ oxidation state of Al: _____ oxidation state of (SO4) ion:_______ oxidation state of (OH) ion:_______

49 Writing Equations II: Determining Products
3. Potassium oxide reacts with flourine gas oxidation state of K:_____ oxidation state of F: _____ oxidation state of O:_______

50 Writing Equations II: Determining Products
4. Calcium reacts with hydrogen phosphate oxidation state of Ca:_____ oxidation state of H: _____ oxidation state of (PO4) ion:_______

51 Writing Equations II: Determining Products
5. copper(I) sulfate reacts with barium chloride oxidation state of Copper (I):_____ oxidation state of Ba: _____ oxidation state of (SO4) ion:_______ oxidation state of Cl ion:_______

52 Writing Equations II: Determining Products
6. Potassium thiocyanate reacts with iron(III) sulfate oxidation state of K:_____ oxidation state of iron (III): _____ oxidation state of (SO4) ion:_______ oxidation state of thiosulfate ion:_______

53 Writing Equations III: Identification

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