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Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania

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1 Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania
Chapter 6: Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania

2 What is a civilization and what are defining characteristics of a civilization? How did the civilizations of your chapter develop and grow more complex before 600 BCE? What were the effects of this increasing complexity? In early civilization, before 600 B.C.E., there were many improvements. Civilization is a process when a society advances in social development and organization. They usually have large populations, architecture, language, and labor. Mesoamerica did hit all the characteristics. They settled down to plant harvest new staples food such as tomatoes and that meant that labor played a part. This attracted new people so the population grew, social classes abrupted, new languages were learned, and they grew as a “community.

3 Where did the early civilizations of your chapter develop and why did they develop in these locations? The geography was very tropical and moist in the early civilization called “Mesoamerica”. In this region there was plenty of plains and land that contained rich soil. Rich soil was crucial to the Olmecs, that's why they settled, it was better for agriculture. They may have had a lot of rain but they adapted to the weather and cut down wood for fires to keep warm.

4 under economic and political dominance of Teotihuacan.
What is a state? Who ruled the early states of your assigned chapter? Which segments of society usually supported the ruler? In the Maya Era early rulers were put into power because they were born into it, the people didn’t choose. Higher social classes were all for the kings because they had privileges. The rulers put themselves in charge of small cities so everything stays calms between higher and lower social classes. Usually small cities are overtaken by larger and more powerful cities. For example Kamjnaljuyù fell under economic and political dominance of Teotihuacan. The kings would have menacing names associated with a jaguar because they are bold and very powerful.

5 Was your state able to expand and conquer neighboring states
Was your state able to expand and conquer neighboring states? Why or why not? The Mochica state dominated the coast and valley of northern Peru and the central Andean region. The Maya didn’t fight their neighboring states because they were allies

6 What role did pastoral civilizations play in regards to building empires in your assigned chapter?
The role that the Maya played in building empires was their knowledge and writing mathematics and astronomy.

7 How did culture play a role in unifying populations in your chapter?
In Maya society, the large classes of peasants and slaves would provide physical labor to the construction of cities and monuments. The Maya priest devised a sophisticated calendar and an elaborate system of writing. Inventing the concept of zero and a symbol that represents zero mathematically made it easier to work on a larger number. Maya believed that bloodletting rituals would force God to send rain for watering their crops.

8 What architectural forms did your early civilization produce?
The Olmecs and Mayans built elaborate centers such as monumental pyramids, temples, and palaces. Olmecs also used a draining system while the Mayans used terraces as an agricultural system. Andean people constructed irrigation systems and canals to cultivate dry land. The people of the pacific islands used boats or large canoes to travel to uninhabited islands and built villages.

9 Which social class encouraged the development of art in your ancient civilization?
Olmecs constructed colossal human heads, decorative objects of jade and obsidian, and altars. The Mayans crafted a sophisticated calendar and an elaborate system of writing. The Mayans also inherited a distinctive ball game from the Olmecs. The Andean people carved into stone representing their deities such as jaguars, eagles, hawks, and snakes. The Mochica had ceramics which represented individual portraits, gods/deities, and depict scenes in everyday life. The pacific islanders also created pottery that were distinct with geometric designs.

10 What form of writing developed in your ancient civilization?
The Olmecs invented a form of writing but unfortunately little of it survives beyond calendrical inscriptions. The Mayans had a sophisticated form of writing including ideographic elements and symbols. The Andean society did not make a use writing making it hard to explore their beliefs, values, and ways of life. The pacific islanders didn’t use a form of writing but had a way to communicate and express themselves through art.

11 What was the relationship between literature and culture in your ancient civilization?
Mayan priests devised written languages and elaborate calendars. Their script contained ideographic elements and symbols for syllables. Maya scribes wrote history, poetry, and kept astronomical records. All of these advancements proved that the Mayans were becoming smarter, with increasing breakthroughs in mathematics and literature

12 What pre-600 BCE religions strongly influenced later eras?
Many of the ancient Olmec cultural traditions influenced Mesopotamia society. The Olmec made calendars to keep track of the changing seasons. They also performed human sacrifices and invented a competitive ball game; both played a big role in Mayan society as well. The Olmec greatly influenced the Mayan people with their culture and religion.

13 What trade routes and outside peoples did your early civilization utilize?
Long distance trade routes linked Mayan urban centers. Teotihuacan merchants traded their products through trade/ exchange networks throughout Mesoamerica. The Lapita people maintained communication and trade passages across the ocean. Its also assumed that merchants traded/sold their products throughout the city.

14 How did social and gender identities develop pre-600 BCE in your early civilization?
In Mohican artwork, women are portrayed to be working in a textile factory while the men are seen going on hunting parties. As in most societies, kings and nobles were higher up on the social hierarchy while merchants and farmers were near the bottom. Nobles had the highest social status and the slaves had the lowest.

15 AP World History Victoria Flores- Slide 1, 2, and 3 Clive Hamilton- Slide 4, 5, and 6 Anthony David- Slide 7, 8, and 9 Madison Castello- Slide 10, 11, 12 and 13 Period 5

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