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The focusing mirror system

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1 The focusing mirror system
TOF Reflecting inside direct & reflected Low material budget Minimize detector area (~1 m2/sector) interference with FTOF spherical (elliptical) mirror within gap volume for backward refl. plane mirror just beyond radiator for forward reflections Preliminary studies with mirrors (to reduce instrumented area): - focalization capabilities shown - ring patterns for positive and negative mesons at different angles and momenta reconstructed Different scenarios (refractive index, radiator thickness, mirror geometry) are being explored

2 Hit prob > Hit prob

3 Unidentified events: reduced by better treatment of unwanted events (i.e. muon from meson decay) Mismatch in number of N p.e.: wrong seed assignment Protons weird probability: feature of the LH definition close to the threshold

4 Direct ring example: Hit prob > 3 10-3 Hit prob
200 trials per point Aerogel: - n=1.06 - thick. increasing with radius: cm Mirror: 14-25o PMTs: UBA Hit prob

5 Hybrid ring example: Hit prob > 3 10-3 Hit prob
200 trials per point Aerogel: - n=1.06 - thick. increasing with radius: cm Mirror: 14-25o PMTs: UBA Hit prob

6 Average N p.e. : Mirror 14-25o PMTs: UBA
200 trials per point Aerogel: - n=1.06 - thick. increasing with radius: cm N p.e. > 5 for reflected rings N p.e. > 12 for direct rings

7 LHp-LHk,p : Mirror 14-25o PMTs: UBA
200 trials per point Aerogel: - n=1.06 - thick. increasing with radius: cm Low angles more challenging Possibly due to limited number of trials Protons benefit the small number of unfired PMTs whit expected signal (P is small when C=0) -

8 Average N p.e. : Mirror 14-25o PMTs: UBA
200 trials per point Aerogel: - n=1.06 - thick. increasing with radius: cm Mandatory for positive hadrons Benefit for negative hadrons at large angles and small energy Big dot = studies show in the previous slide

9 Average N p.e. : PMTs: UBA Mirror 14-25o Mirror 14-35o
Worse for positive hadrons Better for negative hadrons

10 LHp-LHk,p : PMTs: UBA Mirror 14-25o Mirror 14-35o
Worse for positive hadrons Better for negative hadrons

11 Average N p.e. : PMTs: UBA 200 trials per point Aerogel: - n=1.06
- thick. increasing with radius: cm Mirror up to 35o: Worse for positive hadrons Better for negative hadrons

12 Average N p.e. : Mirror 14-25o PMTs: UBA
Aer. thick cm n=1.06 Aer. thick cm n=1.03 gives less photons regardeless the increase thickness due to same assumed transmission length

13 LHp-LHk,p : Mirror 14-25o PMTs: UBA
n=1.03 Aer. thick cm n=1.06 Aer. thick cm n=1.03 still good due to the larger Cherenkov angle separation

14 Average N p.e. : PMTs: UBA 200 trials per point Aerogel: - n=1.06
- thick. increasing with radius: cm n=1.06 better for patter recognition in the presence of backgrouns

15 Wrong ID example: Hit prob > 3 10-3 Hit prob 200 trials per point
Aerogel: - n=1.06 - thick. increasing with radius: cm Mirror: 14-25o PMTs: UBA Hit prob

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