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Student Bulletin October 10th 2017 ML CHAMPIONS Nutrition Club Please display for 4th period class while bulletin is being read. Thank you.

STUDENT BULLETIN 3,2,1 Homecoming Dance tickets are on sale now!  Don't miss our show stopping Homecoming Dance which will take place October 13th at the Salinas Storm House.  The dance will commence at 9:00 p.m.  Come to the table outside the ASB room during lunch time to buy your Homecoming Dance ticket.  The cost is $10.  If you have an ASB sticker, show your sticker to get your FREE dance ticket.  Tickets will be sold until the end of lunch time on Thursday.  No tickets will be sold on Friday at school.  If you do not pick up your FREE ticket with ASB sticker by Thursday, you MUST pay $12 at the door. Guess passes are available in the main office. Guest passes accepted until Thursday. DON'T FORGET YOUR ID CARD TO GET INTO THE DANCE!!


4 STUDENT BULLETIN Attention Vikings! Homecoming is here!
Come and enjoy the following events! Tuesday will be our candidate rally! Wednesday will be our night rally! Friday is our Homecoming :) Thank you all for our support and we know we will have a great week! !

5 STUDENT BULLETIN Attention all Freshmen: Please don’t forget to bring your headphones tomorrow for Freshmen activities.

6 STUDENT BULLETIN Calling all filmmakers! Valhalla Student Media meets today at lunch in room 408 to discuss filming for our first project. 

7 Robotics Club will be meeting this Thursday during lunch in room 815.
STUDENT BULLETIN Robotics Club will be meeting this Thursday during lunch in room 815. Environmental club meets today at lunch in room 202. We will discuss homecoming and t-shirts. Nutrition Club: We have a club meeting at lunch in 801 today.

8 STUDENT BULLETIN The Navy recruiter will be station today in the mall area during lunch time for any students that have questions.

9 Follow us on twitter @nshsasb for more information.
STUDENT BULLETIN As homecoming approaches, join us as we cruise through New York, New Orleans, LA, and Las Vegas! We will be having our very first Night Rally Wednesday, October 11th in the big gym. Doors will open at 6:30 pm, so be here to get a good seat and enjoy free spirit items! The rally will begin at 7pm, so come along this Viking road trip. There will be games, performance, and music from DJ realest flow so be here October 11th! More details to follow. Follow us on for more information.


11 STUDENT BULLETIN Make-up Senior portraits will take place Tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct 11th. Wear a formal black top/ suit or the tux/ gown provided. Come to school picture ready.

12 STUDENT BULLETIN Cal Poly college representative will be in the career center on Nov. 1st  during sixth period for any students interested in Cal Poly. UCSB will be in the Career Center from 1-3 on November 2nd.  College night at Hartnell is November 1st from  6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. UCSC will be in the Career Center on 10/17 from 9-11



15 Get ready to rep your class!
This Viking Road Trip includes the following destinations! Get ready to rep your class!

16 ATHLETICS BULLETIN TENNIS at Monte Vista Christian today, so travel safely! ALL VOLLEYBALL will host Watsonville today starting at 4 pm in the gym. Let’s get loud and proud in the stands! Need a Drug-Free Contract for Winter and can’t make ours on October 18?? You can go to Everett Alvarez tonight. Remember they are all at 7 pm. Baseline Concussion test tomorrow in Room 18 & 20. You must be registered at, so let’s be ready for the first day of Winter Sports—October 30! CROSS COUNTRY pictures are TOMORROW, so be ready!

17 Honor Yourself and Others
VIKING CREED Never Give Up Stay Focused Honor Yourself and Others Stay Positive 1 minute Perales 17


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