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2 SECTION vs. PLANE through the body wall or through an
2 SECTION vs. PLANE PLANE: when the section is made through the body wall or through an organ, it is made along an imaginary surface or line called a plane.

3 3 SAGITTAL PLANE divides the body into left/righ parts.

4 MIDSAGITTAL (MEDIAN) PLANE divides the body into EQUAL left & right parts PARASAGITTAL PLANE divides the body into UNEQUAL left & right parts

5 CORONAL (FRONTAL) PLANE a longitudinal plane that divides the body (or an organ) into anterior and posterior parts pig kidney

6 6 TRANSVERSE PLANE divides the body into superior & inferior parts.

7 are commonly called cross sections.
7 CROSS SECTIONS When organs are sectioned along the transverse plane, the sections are commonly called cross sections. … a cross section of a kiwi fruit!

8 8 A B c answer on next page

9 9 A A = frontal (coronal) B B = sagittal C = transverse c

10 The cavity where the brain is
CRANIAL CAVITY The cavity where the brain is located within the skull. 10

the cavity in which the spinal cord is found. 11

12 includes the cranial & spinal cavities
12 DORSAL CAVITY includes the cranial & spinal cavities

13 The __ cavity and the __ cavity the dorsal cavity. answer on next page
13 The __ cavity and the __ cavity combine to form the dorsal cavity. answer on next page

14 14 cranial & spinal cranial spinal dorsal dorsal

15 ABDOMINAL CAVITY the area that houses the stomach,
15 the area that houses the stomach, intestines, liver, and [some] other organs. abdominal cavity

16 PELVIC CAVITY the region that is partially enclosed by the
16 the region that is partially enclosed by the bony pelvis and contains the reproductive organs, [urinary] bladder and rectum. pelvic cavity

17 ABDOMINOPELVIC CAVITY the cavity inferior to the diaphragm. diaphragm diaphragm abdominopelvic cavity

18 answer on next page Name the cavity in which these organs are located.
18 Name the cavity in which these organs are located. answer on next page

19 19 Abdominal Cavity also correct: abdominopelvic cavity     ventral cavity

20 the cavity above the diaphragm
THORACIC CAVITY 20 the cavity above the diaphragm thoracic cavity (of fetal pig) diaphragm

21 21 VENTRAL CAVITY made up of the thoracic, abdominal & pelvic cavities

22 SUBJECT’S SUBJECT’S 22 Anatomical Right: the right RIGHT Anatomical
Left: the SUBJECT’S left LEFT

23 QUADRANTS four approximately equal regions called quadrants.
23 A scheme, used by most physicians and nurses, divides the abdominal surface (and the abdominopelvic cavity deep to it) into four approximately equal regions called quadrants. Right upper quadrant Right lower Left upper quadrant Left lower

24 What is the superior-most cavity within the ventral cavity?
24 What is the superior-most cavity within the ventral cavity? answer on next page

25 25 thoracic cavity

26 9 portions Abdominopelvic Region: divided into using 4 planes
26 Abdominopelvic Region: divided into 9 portions using 4 planes (2 parasagittal; 2 transverse)

27 UMBILICAL REGION the centermost region, which includes the umbilicus.
27 UMBILICAL REGION the centermost region, which includes the umbilicus.

28 EPIGASTRIC REGION immediately umbilical region; overlies most of
28 EPIGASTRIC REGION immediately superior to the umbilical region; overlies most of the stomach.

29 HYPOGASTRIC REGION immediately umbilical region; encompasses
29 HYPOGASTRIC (PUBIC) REGION immediately inferior to the umbilical region; encompasses the pubic area.

30 30 X Name the region indicated. answer on next page


32   ILIAC REGIONS hypogastric region right iliac left iliac 32
lateral to the hypogastric region and overlying the superior parts of the hip bones. right iliac region left iliac region

33 REGIONS between the ribs lumbar lumbar 33 LUMBAR and the flaring
portions of the hip bones; lateral to the umbilical region. right lumbar region left lumbar region

34 HYPOCHONDRIAC REGIONS Laterally flanking the epigastric region
34 HYPOCHONDRIAC REGIONS Laterally flanking the epigastric region and overlying the lower ribs. right left hypochondriac hypochondriac region region

35 X answer on next page Ientify the region indicated. 35
Always include left or right ! answer on next page


37 Serous Membrane (Serosa)
covers walls of ventral body cavity and organs within this cavity 37

38 Imagine that you punch your fist into a blown up balloon.
38 Imagine that you punch your fist into a blown up balloon.

39 membrane lining the cavity walls.
39 Parietal Serosa: the part of the membrane lining the cavity walls. an organ Visceral Serosa: covers the external surface of the organs within the [ventral] cavity.

40 40 PERICARDIUM Serous Membrane that encloses the heart

41 41 PLEURA Serous Membrane that encloses the lungs

42 PERITONEUM the serosa lining the abdominal cavity.
42 PERITONEUM the serosa lining the abdominal cavity. Parietal peritoneum: lining the cavity walls. Visceral peritoneum: covering its organs.

43 answer on next page Name the specific membrane indicated (2 words) the
43 the outer membrane Name the specific membrane indicated (2 words) answer on next page

44 44 PARIETAL PERICARDIUM the outer membrane

45 45

46 commonly called 46 ORAL CAVITY the mouth, contains the tongue & teeth;
also called the buccal cavity.

47 47 NASAL CAVITY located within and posterior to the nose.

48 ORBITAL 48 CAVITY house the eyes and presents them in an anterior

49 MIDDLE to the ear drum the bony skull … 49 EAR lies just medial
… is carved into the bony skull … contain small bones that transmit sound.

50 fibrous capsules 50 SYNOVIAL CAVITIES joint cavities … enclosed within
that surround the freely movable joints of the body.

51 51 Name the cavity above . answer on next page


53 53

54 Name the cavity that is colored a reddish-brown in this picture.
54 Name the cavity that is colored a reddish-brown in this picture.

55 55 ventral cavity

56 anterior posterior inferior This is a __ section of the brain.
   Hint: the part of the brain that is cut off would be sticking out of the screen (towards you). 56 anterior posterior inferior

57 57 sagittal

58 cat neck diaghragm Name the cavity. 58

59 59 thoracic cavity

60 60 Name the region indicated.

61 61 left hypochondriac region

62 62 Name the plane indicated in red.

63 63 frontal or coronal plane

64 64 Name the cavity indicated by the green smiley face.

65 65 cranial cavity

66 66 The ____ pericardium directly touches the heart surface.

67 67 visceral

68 68 Name the quadrant indicated by

69 69 left lower quadrant

70 70 Identify the cavity at the indicated joint.

71 71 synovial cavity

72 72 end of Part 3 The Language of Anatomy Press Escape key to exit.

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