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Naftaly Attias, MD Orthopedic Department St Josephs HMC –Phoenix, AZ

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1 Naftaly Attias, MD Orthopedic Department St Josephs HMC –Phoenix, AZ
Basic Spine Fractures Naftaly Attias, MD Orthopedic Department St Josephs HMC –Phoenix, AZ

2 Atlas Fracture Levine and Edwards classification Jefferson fracture

3 Atlas Fracture 43% of C-1 Fx associated with a C-2 fracture
Complete transverse ligament insufficiency has to be assumed if the combined overhang of the C-1 lateral masses relative to the lateral mass walls of C-2 amounts to 7 mm or more Halo traction is effective in reducing the spreading of the lateral masses This reduction is not maintained in a halo vest

4 Dense Fracture Anderson & D'Alonzo Classification
Type I - avulsion fracture of the tip of the odontoid. It may imply a more extensive craniocervical ligamentous disruption Type II - located at the waist of the odontoid Type III - extend into the body of the axis

5 Dense Fracture Risks factor for Non-Union
Type II injury with > 5 mm displacement initially Can't be reduce in traction < 2-3 mm Can't be maintained in a halo Elderly patient??

6 Dense Fracture

7 Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of the Axis [hangman's fracture]
Effendi Classification (modified by Levine) A: Type I, nondisplaced fracture of the pars interarticularis ⇒ collar B: Type II, displaced fracture of the pars ⇒ Traction - Halo C: Type IIa, displaced fracture of the pars with disruption of the C2–3 discoligamentous complex ⇒NO Distraction - Halo D: Type III, dislocation of C2–3 facets joints with fractured pars ⇒ NO Traction - ORIF

8 Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of the Axis [hangman's fracture]
Type IIA

9 Traumatic Spondylolisthesis of the Axis [hangman's fracture]

10 Cervical Fractures Burst
Pure axial loading injuries Cause neurologic injury Usually need operative treatment if unstable or cause neuro deficit

11 Cervical Fractures Burst

12 Cervical Fractures – Unilateral Facet dislocation
Caused by flexion & axial rotation - coupled motion ⇒ requires both to dislocate The facet is intact Once reduced (if can be reduced) - stable injury Unilateral facet fracture - also a flexion rotation injury. But even if reduced ⇒ still residual rotational instability = different treatment

13 Cervical Fractures – Bilateral Facet dislocation
High rate of neuro deficit Close reduction in traction MRI : 1. if during an awake reduction demonstrates paresthesias 2. any deterioration of neuro status 3. difficulty or failure in achieving an awake closed reduction necessitating a reduction under anesthesia

14 Cervical Fractures – Bilateral Facet dislocation

15 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures
Denis – 3 column

16 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures
Denis - Compression

17 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures
Denis - Burst Axial Load Axial load + flexion Axial load + flexion Axial load + Lateral bending Axial load + Rotation

18 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures
Denis – Flexion-Distraction (seat belt) Chance

19 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures
Denis – Fracture - Dislocation Flexion Rotation Shear Flexion Distraction

20 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures
The goals of treatment operative or otherwise: Protect neural elements, restore/maintain neurological function Prevent or correct segmental collapse and deformity Prevent spinal instability and pain Permit early ambulation and return to function Restore normal spinal mechanics

21 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures
Unstable injuries include all those with any of the following: Three-column disruption (Two ???) Greater than 50% collapse of anterior cortex Greater than 20-25° of focal kyphosis Any extent of neurologic deficit Patients with extensive associated injuries Greater than 50% canal compromise at L-1 and 80% compromise at L-5.

22 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures

23 Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures

24 Thank You

25 Helpfulness of Material
SWOTA : 2010 Resident Course - Fundamentals of Fracture Care Basic Spine Fractures Helpfulness of Material A) B) C) D) E) Worst Bad OK Good Best COMMENTS Please

26 Quality of Presentation
SWOTA : 2010 Resident Course - Fundamentals of Fracture Care Basic Spine Fractures Quality of Presentation A) B) C) D) E) Worst Bad OK Good Best COMMENTS Please

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