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Understanding management and leadership

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1 Understanding management and leadership

2 What is Management Planning Organizing Directing /Coaching Controlling
Management is the name of a process which involves following steps Planning Organizing Directing /Coaching Controlling In order to get the task completed from people

3 What is leadership? Leading people 2. Influencing people
3. Commanding people 4. Guiding people Leadership is influencing people to get the job done

4 Who is a leader A leader is someone who has the vision
A leader is some one who is capable of inspiring others So that his visions becomes common goal A leader is some one who is able to form team out Of a group to achieve task which would be out of reach If they worked individually A leader is one who takes his people from where they are to where they have never been

5 Examples of good Leadership
Mother Teresa-she had many followers Gandhi Ji- People had full trust in him, they followed him blindly Russi Modi, CMD Tata steel ,in his tenure there was no labor problem excellent leader &excellent manager Nelson Mandela-excellent leadership

6 Leaders are made rather than born
The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born…there is genetic factor to leadership. The reality is that leaders are made rather than born. Leadership is a pure management skill which can be learned and perfected by practice

7 How important is a leader?
In most cases, people will perform at about 60% of their potential with no leadership at all Thus, an additional 40% can be realized if effective leadership is available Leadership can change shape of an organization or area or region

8 Manager vs. Leader A leader may not be a manager—example Gandhiji was a good leader but he was not a manager A good manager has to be a manager and a leader both in order to perform his duty….example Russi Modi (M.D of Tata Steel) is an example of excellent manager and excellent leader, during his tenure Tata Steel never faced labour problem

9 Managers vs. Leaders Managers Leaders Follows the rules
Manager administrates Focus on things Do things right Plan Organize Direct Control Follows the rules Leaders Leader innovates Focus on people Do the right things Inspire Influence Motivate Build Team Shape people

10 Difference between manager and leader
Managers use authority to manage results from employees Manager says-you have to do this A manager has to be a manager and leader both in order to perform his duty Leaders use their influence to create followers to get the job done Leader says-we have to do this A leader may not be a manager (example Gandhi Ji)

11 Basic process of management
Understanding how it is done by manager and how by leader Planning Organizing Directing Controlling

12 Planning Leader Creates vision Manager Planning Devises strategy
in consultation With people Sets direction Manager Planning Budgeting Sets targets Establishes detailed steps Allocates resources

13 Organizing Leader Manager Gets people on board for strategy
Creates structure Job descriptions Staffing Hierarchy Delegates Training Leader Gets people on board for strategy Communicates with people to make decision Networks

14 Controlling Leader Manager Motivate Implements control systems Inspire
Performance measures Identifies variances Fixes variances Leader Motivate Inspire Creates sense of accomplishment

15 Directing Work Leader Manager Empowers people to take decision
Cheerleader, puts fire in people Manager Solves problems Negotiates Brings to consensus

16 Qualities Of A Leader Humanity Vision Charisma Expertise Integrity
Focus Empathy High Expectations Persistence

17 Types Of Manager & their impact
The ‘ Autocratic leader ’

18 Types Of Manager & their impact
The ‘ Pace setting leader ’

19 Types Of Manager & their impact
The ‘ Authoritative leader ’

20 Types Of Manager & their impact
The ‘ Affiliative Leader’

21 Types Of Manager & their impact
The ‘Coaching Leader’

22 The ‘ Autocratic Leader ’
Demand Immediate Compliance Axiom ‘ Do What I Tell You? ’ Style Confrontational Climate Negative Impact Usefulness Useful Only In Crisis, Useful in Dealing With Difficult Employees

23 The ‘ Pace - Setting Leader ’
Demand High Standards For Performance Axiom ‘ Do As I Do, Now ? ’ Style Energetic Behavior May Lapse Into Micromanaging Climate Negative Impact Usefulness Gets Quick Results From A Highly Motivated & Competent Team

24 The ‘ Authoritative Leader ’
Demand Focus On The Mission Far Reaching Vision Axiom ‘ Come With Me ’ Style Build Confidence in people, Mobilize People Climate Positive Impact Usefulness Very Effective Style, Excellent Results

25 The ‘ Affliative Leader ’
Demand Focus On People Axiom ‘ People First ’ Style Evolve Emotional Bonds Create Harmony, Builds excellent team, develops people Climate Positive Impact Usefulness Very Effective Style Excellent Results

26 The ‘ Coaching Leader ’ Demand Focus On Future Axiom ‘ Try This ? ’
Style Development people Through Training Climate Positive Impact Usefulness Very Effective Style Excellent Results

27 Situational leadership
Manager has to apply different style of leadership in different situation In order to manage people manager have to learn all styles of leadership No style of leadership is good or bad, all styles are good proved they are applied in right situation, a manger has to really learn which style of leadership should be applied in which situation

28 Balancing Leadership & Management
(weak) (strong) strong SURVIVE strong THRIVE Right focus Too little control Poor discipline good performance Good motivation Balance control Both processes and people Supported Excellent performance and excellent discipline LEADERSHIP DIE SLOWLY DIE QUICKLY weak No focus No big picture Out of control No processes or systems Poor performance Poor motivation Aiming for perfection Little delegation or empowerment Good discipline/ control Average performance Poor motivation (weak) MANAGEMENT (strong) (weak)

29 Balancing management &leadership
Managers should use right balance of management and leadership depending upon the situation, in order to ensure performance Only management-no leadership Only leadership-no management Management Leadership De Motivation Poor Control

30 Learning which leadership style should be adopted in which situation

31 Autocratic Leadership Style
The classical approach Manager retains as much power and decisionmaking authority as possible, there is little or no delegation Does not consult staff, nor allow to give any input Staff is expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations Leader follows structured set of rewards and punishments

32 Autocratic Leadership Style
Greatly criticized during the past 30 years Gen X staff highly resistant Autocratic leaders: Rely on threats and punishment to influence staff Do not trust staff Do not allow for employee input Allows little or no delegation Focus is results not people Go for micro managing

33 Autocratic Leadership Style
Sometimes the most effective style to use When: New, untrained staff do not know which tasks to perform or which procedures to follow Effective supervision provided only through detailed orders and instructions Staff do not respond to any other leadership style Limited time in which to make a decision (crisis management) A manager’s power challenged by staff Work needs to be coordinated with another department or organization Discipline is the issue

34 Should not be used When: Staff become tense, fearful, or resentful
Staff expect their opinions heard Staff depend on their manager to make all their decisions Low staff morale, high turnover and high absenteeism.

35 Bureaucratic Leadership Style
Manages “by the book¨ Everything done according to procedure or policy If not covered by the book, referred to the next level above A police officer not a leader Enforces the rules

36 Most effective When: Staff performing routine tasks over and over
Staff need to understand certain standards or procedures. Safety or security training conducted Staff performing risky tasks that can not be left to staff alone. When 100% implementation of strategy is desirable

37 In-effective When: Work habits form that are hard to break,
especially if they are no longer useful Staff lose their interest in their jobs and in their co-workers Staff do only what is expected of them and no more (staff is demotivated and needs motivation)

38 Democratic Leadership Style
Also known as participative style where leader encourages staff to be a part of the decision making, and the leader consults employees for making a decision Keeps staff informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities. Allows delegation to the staff

39 The democratic leader Develops plans to help staff evaluate their own performance Allows staff to establish goals Encourages staff to grow on the job and be promoted Recognizes and encourages achievement For democratic leaders focus is people

40 The democratic leader Not always appropriate
Most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced staff or when implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems

41 The democratic leader Most effective When: Manager
Wants to keep staff informed about matters that affect them. Wants staff to share in decision-making and problem-solving duties. Wants to provide opportunities for staff to develop a high sense of personal growth and job satisfaction. Wants a large or complex problem that requires lots of input to solve Wants that changes must be made or problems solved that affect staff Want to encourage team building and participation

42 Democratic leadership
should not be used when Not enough time to get everyone’s input Easier and more cost-effective for the manager to make the decision We Can’t afford mistakes Manager feels threatened by this type of leadership Staff safety is a critical concern Staff is indiscipline When we have to manage crisis When we need quick results

43 Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
Also known as the “hands-off¨ style The manager provides little or no direction and gives staff as much freedom as possible All authority or power given to the staff and they determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own There is no guidance provided by the leader

44 Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
An effective style to use … Staff highly skilled, experienced, educated and self motivated Staff have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own Outside experts, such as staff specialists or consultants used Staff is old employee, trustworthy and experienced

45 Laissez-Faire Leadership Style
Should not be used … When Staff is new, in experienced and feels insecure at the unavailability of a manager The manager cannot provide regular feedback to staff on how well they are doing Managers unable to thank staff for their good work The manager doesn’t understand his or her responsibilities and hoping the staff cover for him or her

46 Determining the Best Leadership Style
Should leaders be more task or relationship (people) oriented ? Every leader has a dominant style, one he uses in a wide variety of situations No one best style - leaders must adjust their leadership style to the situation as well as to the people being led Many different aspects to being a great leader, is a role requiring one to play ,many different leadership styles, to be successful

47 What Sort Of A Leader Are You ?
Now discover the leader Inside you

48 Wishing You The Very Best Of leadership

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