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Seething and Mundham Primary School

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Presentation on theme: "Seething and Mundham Primary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seething and Mundham Primary School
Parents Forum Feb 2016

2 Aim of this Meeting To continue to improve communications
between School and Parents. a) To share our School Improvement Priorities. b) To give feedback from recent Parental Survey.

3 Working in Partnership

4 School Improvement Work
As a team, we are committed to improving all aspects of the school.

5 Celebrating Individuals Celebrating Childhood

6 SIDP – School Improvement and Development Plan 2015/17
Setting Priorities

7 SIDP – School Improvement and Development Plan

8 Forming the Plan Evaluate previous plans Respond to Ofsted
Review SAT outcomes Review current in-school data Respond to government frameworks Working with LA advisers inputs Reflect on school monitoring

9 2015/17 Priorities 3 Strands Teaching and Learning Achievement
Leadership and Management

10 Teaching and Learning the curriculum.
1. PHONICS: To improve the quality and consistency of Phonics Teaching. 2. READING: To improve the quality, consistency and impact of Guided Reading across the school. 3. WRITING: To further embed the Talk for Writing approach to strengthen pupil’s creative and factual writing. 4. MATHS: To ensure that all pupils are effectively challenged and engaged in their mathematical learning. 5. PRESENTATION OF WORK: To raise the profile of high quality presentation in pupil’s work across the curriculum.

11 Achievement 1. PHONICS: To ensure that phonics data (Yr1 &2 Phonics Screening) is in-line or better than National outcomes. 2. KS1 Outcomes: To raise the overall standards attained at KS1 in reading, writing and maths. 3. KS2 Outcomes: To raise the overall standards in Writing and Maths

12 Leadership and Management
1. ICT: To give all our children access to high quality ICT to support their learning across all subjects and to meet the requirements of the new Computing National Curriculum. 2. BEHAVIOUR: To raise expectations of standards of behaviour. 3. MONITORING: To ensure all monitoring has a positive impact on practice. 4. INVOLVING PARENTS: To further strengthen the home-school partnership 5. PREMISES: HEALTH & SAFETY: To ensure that the whole school site is secure, safe and welcoming for all stakeholders.

13 Taking the Lead Senior Teachers Subject Leaders
Vicky Mackenzie (Literacy and EYFS) Sandhya Radhamma (Maths and Science) Subject Leaders Louise Thompson (Music and P.E) Liz Williams (SENDco and ICT)

14 Shared Responsibility!

15 Keeping you Informed

16 Parent Survey 2016 68% of pupils were represented in the survey.

17 Survey Results Available: 1. Copies of Summary Percentage Scores
2. Collated summary of improvement suggestions 3. Collated summary of positive statements.

18 Parents Improvement Suggestions
4 Comments: Supporting Learning at Home 9 Comments: Playtimes and Lunchtimes 11 Comments: Behaviour and Uniform 5 Comments: School Premises 10 Comments: Communications 6 Comments: Parent Consultations / Reports 8 Comments: Curriculum 6 Comments: Other Areas

19 Feedback – is very important

20 Reaching our Goals Together
Any questions? Thank you for attending this meeting.

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