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AURICULAR REGION (Auricle) Lat. - auricula

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1 AURICULAR REGION (Auricle) Lat. - auricula
Prof. Peter Stanko, MD, PhD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Dpt. of Stomatology & Maxillofacial Surgery Comenius University, St Elisabeth Hospital

2 Auricle - PARTS a/Cranial part of the auricle: Helix……………outer margin of the auricle Anthelix………large plane part the auricle. b/Caudal part of the auricle: Lobulus auriculae………free movable, soft. c/Inner part of the auricle: Tragus…….....…….………..localized against the helix, important cephalometric point.

3 Auricle – a/CRANIAL PART
Helix (No 6) ……………outer margin of the auricle Anthelix (No 4) ……large plane part

4 Auricle – b/CAUDAL PART
Lobulus auriculae (No 1) ………free movable, soft

localized against the helix PORUS ACUSTICUS EXTERNUS (No 11)

6 INNER PART of the auricle →→→
● Porus acusticus externus ● Meatus acusticus externus small sebaceous glands (product cerumen) the cannal has two parts = cartilage + bone. ● → Membrana tympanica (Tympanic membrane).

7 Meatus acusticus externus

8 TISSUES forming the auricle
-Skin -The main substance is elastic cartilage (usable e. g. for autologous grafts in reconstructions). -The lobulus auriculae consits from fatt. -Muscles (of no value). Sensitive inervation = mostly by n. auricularis magnus (C 3).

9 AESTHETICS of the auricle
-Length of the auricle is approximately the same as length of the nose -angle with temporal region varies within 25 °– 45 °. Auricular anomalies = aplasia, hypoplasia, deformations.

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