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Title Author(s)* *Affiliation(s) Country.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Author(s)* *Affiliation(s) Country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Author(s)* *Affiliation(s) Country

2 Title text – Minimum font size - 40pt
CMA 2016 ePoster layout and formatting guideline Formatting Font – Arial, Calibri Title text – Minimum font size - 40pt Headings/Sub-headings – Minimum font size - 36pt Body text – Minimum font size – 30pt Background colour – Suitable light colour File format - Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx) Page set up - Slide size, 40.97x23.04, which is a 16:9 ratio Margins – One inches all around Layout - portrait orientation Each poster presentation shall be introduced by a title slide including the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s) and country. An e-Poster must not exceed three slides (excluding the title slide) and should contain the following content – background, objectives, method, results, conclusion(acknowledgement, if applicable). Your slides will be displayed in a presentation loop switching content at dedicated time slots. Thus, you should consider to be precise and concise on what you want to communicate. The e-poster should follow a two column format. Each column may conveniently be divided into sections as - background, objectives, method, results, conclusion. You can use multimedia content being integrated into your e-Poster showing animations, simulations, short video or other content. Images: high-resolution images in one of these formats: .tiff, .jpeg, .pg, .bmp and .gif. Video: In .wmv, .avi, .mp4 or .mpeg, formats. Please note that if you include video material in each of the slides, each slide should not not exceed 1 minute. The total length of all videos should not exceed three minutes. Audio: Not supported. Slide transition: No effects between slides. No text/image transition within a slides. Hyper-links: Not allowed. Please the presentation to

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