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Intro Activity Draw a couch in 5 minutes.

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1 Intro Activity Draw a couch in 5 minutes





6 1 2 3 4

7 How to communicate ideas visually
Drawing and Sketching How to communicate ideas visually

8 Objectives Identify the difference between a drawing and a sketch
Define different types of drawings

9 Sketches A preliminary drawing Rough draft Done quickly
Communicates larger idea and main aspects

10 Sketches

11 Perspective Drawings Representation of a 3-dimensional object on a
2-dimensional surface 1-point perspective 2-point perspective 3-point perspective

12 One Point Perspective

13 Two Point Perspective


15 Orthographic Drawings
Diagrams that are drawn to scale Floor plans 2-dementional “bird’s eye view” of the layout of the space Wall elevations 2-dementional “vertical slice” through a space Sections 3-dementional “slice” through a space

16 Floor Plan A visual of a room or building scaled and viewed from above (birds eye view)

17 Wall Elevation Drawing that shows all features of a wall or side of a structure, as viewed if one were facing the wall or structure.

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