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“Running with the Bulls” Massive Transfusion in the ED

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1 “Running with the Bulls” Massive Transfusion in the ED
Dr. Samuel Minor General Surgery Critical Care Medicine QEII Medical Director Trauma Program

2 Disclosure No potential conflict

3 Staying Ahead of the Game


5 Trauma Outcomes Nova Scotia Trauma Program

6 The Lethal Triad



9 Trauma Induced Coagulopathy


11 Reperfusion Injury


13 Hemostatic Resuscitation
Limit crystalloid Early identification of patients requiring massive transfusion Warmed fluids RBC:FFP:Platelets 1:1:1 Fibrinogen support >2g/L TAX Early use of mechanical hemostatic maneuvers Pelvic binding Scalp laceration Tourniquet



16 Patient Selection for Massive Transfusion


18 Permissive Hypotension
Limit blood pressure to minimize bleeding Decrease need for fluids/blood Increase risk of reperfusion injury/tissue ischemia

19 Trauma In-Situ Simulation
“Crash Testing the Dummy” Everything is real but the patient Observe for: Triage and management of life threatening injuries (“ABC”) Measures to limit active bleeding Pelvic binder Suture/staple lacerations, tourniquet Reduce fractures Chest tubes Early support of coagulation Limit use of crystalloid Activation of massive transfusion protocol Early recognition for the need for operative intervention

20 FFP


22 Overall ratio of FFP:RBC did not change
Journal American College of Surgeons 2009 Introduced an MTP protocol that decreased the amount of time prior to transfusion of FFP Overall ratio of FFP:RBC did not change Overall number of blood products transfused did not change Improvement of mortality 45%-19% (p=0.02) Early administration of FFP is associated with improved mortality

23 Introduction of a MTP that made 6u pre-thawed AB FFP available
Effects of a hospital-wide introduction of a massive transfusion protocol on blood product ration and blood product waste J Emerg Trauma Shock Oct-Dec; 8(4): Introduction of a MTP that made 6u pre-thawed AB FFP available No difference in total amount of blood products transfused Small increase in amount of FFP wastage *50% reduction in wastage by increasing shelf life of FFP from 3 to 7 days

24 Summary Transfusion in the Trauma Bay is targeted to
Minimize reperfusion injury Support coagulation Balanced resuscitation decreases mortality Unless pre-thawed FFP is available you will always be playing catch-up in trying to achieve 1:1:1

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