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Assessment of Bordas-Carnot losses in a bulb turbine diffuser using near-field and far-field CFD Models.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment of Bordas-Carnot losses in a bulb turbine diffuser using near-field and far-field CFD Models."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment of Bordas-Carnot losses in a bulb turbine diffuser using near-field and far-field CFD Models.

2 Versatile low head turbine. (Runner diameter: 1-9m)
1. Bulb Turbine: Versatile low head turbine. (Runner diameter: 1-9m) Long establish technology, installed in more than 300 projects. Operate in the two biggest lagoon project: La Rance (240MW) Shiwa Lake (254MW)

3 2. Ph.D: Focuses on the study and the analysis of the diffuser. Main goal of the diffuser is to accelerate the pressure recovery.

4 3. Work Achieved: - Worked on the far-field model. - The complex environment geometry was created using a Fortran program + computed to the Hydro3D software.

5 3. Future Work: Preparation of a physical model to validate the results of the CFD models. Implementation of cross-currents and tide series into the Hydro3D models. CFD testing on different diffusers to optimise its design.

6 Thanks you for listening!

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