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unique value proposition

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1 unique value proposition
Signature Coaching Business Model brand qualities 3-4 qualities your brand is known for. outreach What’s the best way to reach your audience? Signature Advantage What makes you uniquely qualified to deliver the results you’re promising? brand uvp Single, clear message that turns an unaware visitor into an interested prospect. unique value proposition triggers What happened to make her feel NOW is the time? considerations What are her concerns & considerations about buying? OPTIMAL CLIENT profile Of all the people you COULD work with, who is most likely to buy? client Egoic label (how she describes herself in the simplest of terms): “I’m a ______________________.” The issue (the feeling or behavior she wants to change): Feeling: Behavior: The dilemma (the single most pressing question to be answered about the issue): “How can I be/do/have _____ without losing _____?” OR “How can I stop _____ while keeping _____?” genius expertise signature strategy An effective UVP has 3 main parts: A powerful position/perspective about the primary issue that your audience is working on Your signature twist on how to resolve the dilemma The top results & benefits of your approach Writing Speaking Networking Other: Shock (outside-in): Opportunity (outside-in): Transition/evolution (inside-out): Value (Will it be worth it?) Method (Will it work for me?) Resources (Do I have the time & money to invest?) Confidence (Can I trust this person? Do I trust myself?) Other: Cost structure Fixed & variable costs per month. Key Metrics The numbers that tell you how your business is doing. Revenue structure How does your business make money? numbers GENERAL GUIDELINES (adjust as needed) 15% for taxes 15% for profits/reserves 20% for overhead/operating expenses (all non-personnel costs) 30% for salaries (including yours as the coach/manager) 20% for being the business owner of the business EACH WEEK: # people you connected with # people you invited to a powerful coaching conversation # people who got a powerful experience of your coaching $ you proposed for new coaching engagements Active revenue streams % from coaching fees % from speaking fees % from training fees % from other services/active sources: PASSIVE REVENUE STREAMS % from sales of signature info products (books, e-courses, apps) % from commissions/affiliate sales (other people’s products/services) % from other products/passive sources: Adapted w/permission under Creative Commons License from The Business Model

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