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Published byLiliana Lee Modified over 6 years ago
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work – EU-OSHA
European Economic and Social Committee Brenda O’Brien (Manager-Brussels Liaison Office) 07/03/2017
Who we are The European Union body responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information to serve the needs of those involved in safety and health at work.
Who we are One of the over 40 EU agencies Governed by European law
Mostly financed from the general EU budget Independent in the execution of its mission/tasks A tripartite network organisation, closely linked to EU actors and national networks through the national focal points
Mission and vision MISSION
We develop, gather and provide reliable and relevant information, analysis and tools. We raise awareness and exchange occupational safety and health (OSH) information and good practice. Our vision is to be a recognised leader in promoting healthy and safe workplaces. We contribute to the development of an OSH risk prevention culture, to ensure a smart, sustainable, productive and inclusive economy. VISION To be a recognised leader promoting healthy and safe workplaces in Europe based on tripartism, participation and the development of an OSH risk prevention culture, to ensure a smart, sustainable, productive and inclusive economy.
Structure European Commission Other EU Agencies
Where we operate EU-OSHA’s network of FOPs Focal points in:
EU Member States Candidate countries EEA and EFTA countries Projects in: Western Balkan and Turkey - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Map is valid as of 2014
Who we work with Member States’ governments and social partners
European Parliament – Employment and Social Affairs Committee The Council of the EU European Commission – DG Employment (partner DG), DG GROW, DG SANTE, DG RTD ACSH, SLIC, Sectoral social dialogue committee; Budgetary Control; Environment, Public Health and Food Safety; Industry, Research and Energy; Women’s Rights and Gender Equality European Agencies: Eurofound, Cedefop, EIGE, FRA, ECHA, ECDC, EEA… Preventive services OSH research community International organisations EEN
Priority areas and activities
Corporate video
Multi-annual strategic programme – 2014-2020 Priority areas
Anticipating change Foresight activities Facts and figures ESENER OSH and older workers MSEs – Micro and small enterprises WRD – work-related diseases Cost and benefits of OSH MSD – musculoskeletal disorders Tools for OSH management OiRA Raising awareness Healthy Workplaces Campaigns (all ages, stress, MSDs, DS, construction, etc.) OSHwiki and networking knowledge OSHwiki e-tools OSH info systems and ad-hoc support to EC Information on national strategies Research Priorities Legislation Strategic and operational networking Portfolio approach IPA
Priority 1: Anticipating change
What does the future hold for Europe’s workers and employers? We help to prevent tomorrow’s safety and health risks by identifying them today. Activity 1.1 Foresight of new and emerging OSH risks associated with new technologies in green jobs Activity 1.2 Large-scale foresight New large-scale foresight “Foresight on new and emerging occupational safety and health risks associated with information and communication technologies and work location by 2025” Discussion papers on new and emerging issues Green jobs: Reports – summary – e-facts and checklists re. wind energy – cartoons – OSHwiki articles – workshops and summaries Foresight on NER on OSH associated with ICT and work location by 2025 desk research for identification of drivers of change finalised, technical report available in OSHwiki (2017) Review articles - Scenario cartoons (2018) – Foresight report, summary and brochure (2018) – Foresight follow-up review (2018) – workshops and summaries (one in 2017 and three in 2018) Discussion papers on new and emerging issues: robotics, crowdsourcing, performance-enhancing drugs including workshops and summaries 3D printing (2017), and workers’ monitoring (2018) including workshops and summaries
Priority 2: Facts and figures
Our activities result in high-quality research and information that can help set priorities and plan prevention. ESENER – European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks One of the main tools contributing to our evidence base. Dissemination: National seminars 8th International Conference on OSH, Fifth International Conference on Establishment Surveys, FOHNEU Congress, CESI Conference International: Canadian Centre on Occupational Health and Safety Forum Secondary analysis projects: 2017 Q1 Worker participation Joint analysis of ESENER-2, the LFS 2013 ad-hoc module and the 6th EWCS 2018 OSH management Psychosocial risk management Ongoing secondary analyses Technical assessment of the expansion of the survey universe, and Evaluation
Priority 2: Facts and figures
Activity 2.1: ESENER-2 In addition to first findings and data dashboard the overview report was published in March 2016, dissemination and secondary analysis projects.
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2.2: OSH overview – Older workers (European Parliament) Supports EP pilot project on OSH of older workers, under delegation agreement with the Commission Five main reports: state of the art review on ageing and OSH’, ‘gender and OSH’, ‘analysis report of policies, strategies, actions’, ‘analysis report on rehabilitation / return-to-work’, and ‘overall analysis report’ Outputs Reports discussed at Stakeholder conference (Sep/2015) Presentation at EP Employment Committee (12/Oct/16) 29 country reports on policies, strategies, programmes and actions including rehabilitation and return-to-work systems and strategies 24 good practice examples and analysis report on workplace practices including the results of the qualitative research HWC Healthy Workplaces for All Ages Visualisation tool
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2.3: OSH overview – Improving OSH in MSEs in Europe Four work-packages covering: In-depth review of OSH in MSEs (state of play) (online) Qualitative in-depth interviews to determine OSH attitudes and behaviours Investigation of how OSH policies, strategies, programmes, and support in relation to the management of OSH in MSEs function in practice – 2017 Final analysis and wrap-up seminar – 2018 In-depth review of OSH in MSE (state of play) – published Contexts and arrangements for OSH in MSEs in the EU (online) High level seminar (Jun/16) and summary (online) Qualitative in-depth interviews to determine OSH attitudes and behaviours in MSE Comparative report on enterprise interviews (2017) Comparative report on the role of intermediaries - qualitative research (2017) Nine technical national reports on enterprise interviews (2017) Nine technical national reports on OSH policies and the role of intermediaries (2017) Investigation of how OSH policies, strategies, programmes, and support in relation to the management of OSH in MSE function in practice Inventory of successful strategies, policies and interventions (2017) Final analysis and wrap-up seminar Final analysis of the findings report and summary (for publication in 2018) Closing seminar and summary (2018)
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2.4 OSH overview: Work-related diseases
EU-OSHA support to action on carcinogens – roadmap on carcinogens
A joint info sheet with the signatories Promotion of ongoing actions on the webpage An annual event Promotion of selected tools and instruments
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2.5: OSH review – Cost and benefits of OSH Collaboration with ILO, presentation at World Congress 2017 Data visualisation and joint paper with ILO - Estimations of the economic costs: Development of economic model based on international data (2017) Estimation of the costs of work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths at European level: Overview about the availability and quality of necessary national and international data sources for a European level cost calculation Stage 1: overview of availability and quality of national and international data sources relevant for development of European level cost calculation Report in 2017 Stage 2: development of comprehensive estimates methodology Report and data visualisation – Estimations of the economic costs: Development of economic model based on national data (2019) Costs to Britain of workplace fatalities and self-reported injuries and ill health, 2013/14 (HSE, 2015) Activity 2.5: OSH review – Cost and benefits of OSH Collaboration with ILO, presentation at World Congress 2017 Data visualisation and joint paper with ILO - Estimations of the economic costs: Development of economic model based on international data (2017) Estimation of the costs of work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths at European level: Overview about the availability and quality of necessary national and international data sources for a European level cost calculation Stage 1: overview of availability and quality of national and international data sources relevant for development of European level cost calculation Report– Overview about the availability and quality of necessary data sources (2017) Stage 2: development of comprehensive estimates methodology Report and data visualisation - Estimations of the economic costs: Development of economic model based on national data (2019)
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2
Priority 2: Facts and figures Activity 2.7: OSH overview: work-related MSDs MSDs most prevalent type of work-related health problem (EU LFS ad-hoc module 2013) Most frequent risk factor after dealing with difficult customers, pupils or patients (ESENER-2; establishments in EU-28) Goal Improve understanding among policy-makers, researchers and intermediaries about the most effective actions available to them for the prevention of work-related MSD and reintegration to work for those suffering from MSD. Objectives EU-OSHA aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence, causes and costs of MSD. It will foster a positive preventive culture by identifying the most effective instruments, interventions, guidance and tools and sharing and raising awareness about them. Background data: MSDs most prevalent type of work-related health problem (EU LFS ad-hoc module 2013) MSDs as most serious issue for 60% respondents declaring having a work-related health problem (EU LFS ad-hoc module 2013) Exposure to posture-related risks still very high (43%) (EWCS 2015) Most frequent risk factor after dealing with difficult customers, pupils or patients (ESENER-2; establishments in EU-28): Tiring or painful positions 56% Repetitive hand or arm movement 52% Lifting or moving people or heavy loads 40% Goal Improve understanding among policy-makers, researchers and intermediaries about the most effective actions available to them for the prevention of work-related MSD and reintegration to work for those suffering from MSD. Objectives EU-OSHA aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence, causes and costs of MSD. It will foster a positive preventive culture by identifying the most effective instruments, interventions, guidance and tools and sharing and raising awareness about them. Project definition – from now to August 2017 – including consultation with stakeholders and experts Project to start in 2018
Priority 3: Tools for OSH management Activity 3
Priority 3: Tools for OSH management Activity 3.1 OiRA – Online interactive Risk Assessment Risk assessment is at the heart of good workplace safety and health Easy-to-use online tools guide micro and small enterprises through the risk assessment process. OIRA Partners In 16 EU countries (most of them Ministries/Labour Inspectorates) Collaborating with other countries/institutions who developed their own online RA tool (IE, UK, ES, NL) EU sectoral social partners Also involved in OiRA (7 OiRA tools developed -and 2 under development- at EU level in the framework of the EU sectoral social dialogue) Common platform / software available in 18 languages OiRA tools 120 published 30 under development OiRA user accounts created: 37,279 Number of RA created: Updated 09/jan/17
Priority 4: Raising awareness
Our campaigning and promotion activities take our messages into workplaces across Europe and beyond. Healthy Workplaces Campaigns The campaigns promote the idea that good health and safety is good for business and are the largest of their kind in the world. Napo – Safety with a smile Napo is the hero in a series of animated films to introduce workplace safety and health topics.
Priority 4: Raising Awareness Activity 4
Priority 4: Raising Awareness Activity 4.3 HWC – Healthy Workplaces for All Ages Corporate video Objectives Sustainable work and healthy ageing from the beginning of working life Highlight the importance of prevention throughout working life Providing information and tools for managing OSH in the context of an ageing workforce Facilitate information exchange and good practice Campaign Launched April 2016; multilingual website and campaign material Visualisation tool (older workers EP project) E-guide – 32 national versions European Campaign Assistance Package to support national focal points – 86 events + 43 media and PR activities in 2016 Coordinated by EU-OSHA; Organised in more than 30 countries; Supported by a network of partners: National focal points; Official campaign partners; European social partners; Media partners; Enterprise Europe Network; EU institutions; Other EU agencies
HWC 2016-17 – Healthy Workplaces for All Ages What is the issue?
Europe’s workforce is ageing — longer working lives Challenges arising from demographic change: general labour shortages shortages of skilled workers more people at work with health problems/chronic diseases concerns about productivity and absenteeism Management of OSH in the context of an ageing workforce requires a multidisciplinary approach...
HWC 2016-17 – Healthy Workplaces for All Ages Prevention throughout working life — holistic approach
Health in later life is affected by working conditions in earlier life Prevention of work-related accidents, health problems and occupational diseases is needed throughout working life Holistic approach, including: work environment and organisation training and lifelong learning leadership work–life balance motivation career development
Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2016 2017
Key strength: Network of partners
Priority 4: Raising Awareness
Activity 4.5 HWC – Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances – Objectives: Raising awareness of the importance and relevance of managing DS in many European workplaces by providing facts and figures on the exposure to and impact of dangerous substances. Promoting risk assessment, elimination and substitution and the hierarchy of prevention measures by providing practical tools and good practice examples. Raising awareness of risks linked to exposure to carcinogens at work by supporting the exchange of good practices as a signatory to the covenant committing to the Carcinogens Roadmap. Targeting groups of workers with specific needs and higher levels of risk, due to limited knowledge in relation to dangerous substances by providing facts and figures and good practice information. Improving awareness of policy developments and legislative framework by providing an overview of the existing framework and existing guidance. Activity 4.6 HWC – Musculoskeletal Disorders
Priority 5: Networking knowledge Activity 5.3 – networking knowledge
We bring safety and health professionals together globally and generate high-quality knowledge through new tools and channels. OSHWIKI – connecting the OSH community First web platform providing the OSH community with a new way of networking online e-tools Developing repository of knowledge networking for tools developers EU-OSH information system and support to the European Commission Legislation update Continued project on updating the Agency’s legislation section National strategies Mapping of national strategies completed Final draft report presented at the meeting of the national contact points and the European Commission on OSH research priorities
Networking knowledge: Portfolios and beyond the EU
Targeted support to MS (portfolio approach) Providing translations, speakers, support to campaigns and other activities on a request-based process Western Balkans and Turkey Two-year grant contract with the Commission (IPA programme) Liaising with TAIEX to identify new structures for providing support to the pre-accession and candidate countries Collaboration with ILO in activities Activities carried out in Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Turkey, Serbia, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, including presentation at national events, translations, and training sessions International activities Liaison with ILO Geneva to ensure coherent approach Ad-hoc support to neighbourhood countries Project based interaction with non-member states Support to development of ILO project Speaker on ILO Strategies training course Support for training session for Labour Inspectors in Kosovo Speakers at Turkish OSH congress (Prior to political changes – since attempted coup we have a new Turkish focal point that has visited the Agency to attend a focal point meeting but no Agency staff member has participated in an event in Turkey). Speaker with ILO at Serbia national OSH conference Teleconference with Safework Australia on Costs Projects Collaboration with NIOSH at health conference in Austria (Gastein) Speaker at International OSH conference in Tunisia (Marin)
Find out more Multilingual website:
Monthly e-newsletter OSHmail: Publications: Social media:
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