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Http:// While the news tends to cover informational topics, how could these play into argumentative/persuasive pieces as well?

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Presentation on theme: "Http:// While the news tends to cover informational topics, how could these play into argumentative/persuasive pieces as well?"— Presentation transcript:

1 While the news tends to cover informational topics, how could these play into argumentative/persuasive pieces as well? What story in the news could you develop an argument around?

2 Sum It Up! Sum up your speech argument in four words or less. Be creative in your summaries!

3 The Presentation Just like the past few speeches we have given, you need a visual presentation to accompany your speech. A few reminders: Don’t use distracting images/colors/backgrounds Don’t use complete sentences (no more than 5 words per page) Mainly image driven For this speech you will need to utilize a video along with your presentation. Find a video that accompanies your argument well (must be school appropriate!) You must use at least 30 seconds of a video and no more than one minute so you may want to time stamp where you need it to start/stop

4 Grab Your Laptops Log them on BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE:
Click the Lanschool App button (the green circle with the white circle on the left side) Change the channel to 3239 Click “Preferences” – by “Screen Sharing” click “Full Screen” (then click Save) In the following screen, click “Share” Then go to the HRHS webpage -> Hover over “Our School” -> Click “Chromebook Landing Page” and choose Cart 39 ONLY AFTER YOU SEE YOUR NAME ON MY SCREEN MAY YOU BEGIN WORKING!

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