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Western Europe The Middle Ages.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Europe The Middle Ages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Europe The Middle Ages

2 Overview Unique government decentralized Used the Feudal System
Rise of the Catholic Church

3 Decentralization Small Kingdoms after fall of Rome
Few attempts to centralize Franks, Charlemagne System led to Feudalism

4 Feudalism Local King had land Land given to vassals
Promise loyalty, military service Personal armies protected them (knights) Peasants looked shelter worked land Paid taxes, gave gifts, provided manual labor Region of self-sufficient estates manors

5 Chivalry Code of conduct Developed Courting and Tournaments
Taught Honor, Modesty, Loyalty, Duty Developed Courting and Tournaments Never effective more idealistic, not reality

6 Late Middle Ages Rise of Major Cities Rise in Trade Hanseatic League
Alliances between cities, organizations Hanseatic League Trade organization among cities in Northern Europe

7 Culture Social Status given at birth Marriage political alliances
Arranged Catholic Church only central power Powerful popes Monasteries preserved literature Nunneries alternate lifestyle for women

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