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Language and Literacy.

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Presentation on theme: "Language and Literacy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language and Literacy

2 Create 1 Write 2 Present 3 Project

3 What is Language

4 Language is… a set of symbols that are combined to using a set of rules English Language 26 symbols (letters) 20 vowel sounds 24 consonant sounds (phonemes) >300 ways of combining symbols in sequence to make distinct sounds >1000 rules of syntax Average adult has >50,000 words


6 Language is… The ability to understand, organise and use words to communicate. ‘…the primary tool for the development of thinking and reasoning…’ Vygosty (1978) Communication and transmitting of cultural values, beliefs and practices. Used for developing relationships Used to convey meaning Share and exchange ideas and thoughts, emotions and information

7 Theories of Language Development
Nativist - Chomsky (1976) 01 Behaviourist – Skinner (1957) 02 Cognitivist – Piaget (19520 03 Interactionist (Brunner 1974/ Vygotsky (1978) 04 P189

8 Language is more than just Speech
Articulation – the ability to create speech Quality of voice – how the speech sounds Language Receptive language – the ability to understand what is being said Expressive language – the ability to communicate thoughts and needs that can be understood Q4 P188/194

9 Progression of Language Development
Pragmatics – understanding how to use language in a social and cultural situation. Semantics – the ability to understand the meaning of words Morphemes – smallest meaningful units in language Syntax – system of rules that govern how words can be meaningfully arranged Lexicons – vocabulary of a language Phoneme - sets of sounds, smallest distinguishable units Q4 P188/194

10 Some Language Difficulties
Physiological impairment Neurological impairment extreme difficulties with social interactions Language processing disorders Congenital disorders Sensory deficits Learning difficulties Expressive difficulties APD Autism, Cerebral Palsy Serious/chronic illness Speech delay Social disadvantage, poverty

11 Links Between Language and Literacy
Is the foundation of literacy Underpins literacy development Conveys thoughts and ideas Models reading patterns Models writing structure Q 1 Page 382

12 The Big 6 Oral Language Phonological Awareness Fluency Vocabulary
Letter/sound knowledge Comprehension

13 Strategies for Assisting Language Development

14 Good Oral Language Behaviours by TAs
Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills Communicate to each student in an appropriate manner Demonstrate GENUINE interest in what the student is communicating Give timely and positive feedback Develop respect and trusting relationships Provide a wide range of opportunities for students to engage in conversations Interact with students in a manner that promotes self esteem Ask and respond to questions honestly Encourage students to expand on their ideas and thoughts Repeat of restate students words and ideas.

15 Inclusive Language Can be used to challenge stereotypes
Can be used to include all cultures Non verbal communication can used to convey attitude Rules vary across cultures Be aware of any specific taboos

16 Listening Skills 3 levels of listening Guideline are required Internal
Focussed Global Guideline are required 1-1 or small groups Don’t talk when listening Keep your eyes on the speaker Wait until the previous speaker has finished Try to be still when listening Focus on what is being said

17 Questioning Techniques
Responding to questions provides valuable oral language and thinking skills Should be framed so children can understand Avoid multiple part questions Use authentic questions (questions that require students to think) Relevant questions Move beyond the simple examples pages

18 Building Vocabulary No knowledge of the word
General awareness of the word but doesn’t know the meaning Has a general sense of the meaning of the word Can use the word on a narrow context Can use the word in a boarder context and understands how the word relates to other words

19 Practical Oral Language Activities

20 Activities Working in pairs Small group discussions Oral presentations
Discussion stories Role play Oral Triggers Picture Chats Feely bags Picture puzzles Listening and memory games Graphic organisers Make a sentence

21 Speech, Language &Communication Needs (SLCN)

22 Augmented and Alternative Communication Strategies
Q.4 Pg 391

23 Links to Assessments 1. Explain in your own words the links between oral language, reading and writing. LANGUAGE 2. Provide four examples of language skills and why are they important for students/ people. 3. Explain what type of text should be used in the following circumstances. 4. Provide a definition for expressive language, and social/ pragmatic language. How can they be used with students and teachers? 5. List three strategies an Education Support worker might use to help prompt, support and encourage oral language skills. Purpose Text Type Writing down facts on a topic When writing about what they did on the weekend When putting in writing information on where someone needs to go to get to the closest supermarket When explaining to a friend that they should not take up smoking When telling an interesting story

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