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Subject pronouns.

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1 Subject pronouns


3 Graphic organizer You need: - a half sheet of paper - markers
- optional: a ruler

4 Subject pronouns in french
Je - I Nous – We Tu – You (informal) Vous – You (formal or plural) Il- He Elle - She Ils- They (all men or mix of males and females) Elles- They (all woman)

5 C’est à toi! Subject pronoun skits
In your group of four, think of a way to illustrate or act out each French subject pronoun. Each person chooses two subject pronouns and is responsible for either acting them out or drawing them. JE, TU, IL, ELLE, NOUS, VOUS, ILS, ELLES Ex: ELLE = You could draw a girl or point to a girl You must present in order! Je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles You have 5 minutes to prep and practice!

6 Check for understanding
Write what each subject pronoun means JE NOUS TU VOUS IL ILS ELLE ELLES

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