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The One Minute Preceptor

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Presentation on theme: "The One Minute Preceptor"— Presentation transcript:

1 The One Minute Preceptor
Helen Morgan, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology Elizabeth Jones, MD Clinical Assistant Professor Family Medicine

2 No Disclosures

3 In what contexts are you teaching students?
Introductions In what contexts are you teaching students? Helen- inpatient floor, OR, outpatient, other

4 Objectives 1. Challenges 2. One Minute Preceptor 3. Video
4. Interactive practice activity

5 Challenges Helen

6 Challenges for the learners?

7 One Minute Preceptor 1. Get the student to take a stand
2. Probe for supporting evidence 3. Teach general rules Beth 4. Provide positive feedback 5. Correct errors

8 Tell me what’s happening with your patient
1. Get the student to take a stand 2. Probe for underlying reasoning Tell me what’s happening with your patient 3. Teach general rules Beth 4. Provide positive feedback 5. Correct errors

9 What led you to that conclusion?****
2. Probe for underlying reasoning What else did you consider? Beth Tell me more about why you’ve made the decision to call the doctor

10 3. Teach general rules Beth Approaches to patients with dementia…

11 (Now let me give you some FEEDBACK………)
Beth 4. Provide positive feedback

12 Beth 5. Correct errors

13 Helen

14 Keep the presentation to a minimum
Brief focused sessions Make the questions natural and routine Always provide feedback

15 Case #1 Helen

16 Case #2 Helen

17 Debrief

18 Allows students and preceptor to see and reflect on clinical reasoning
Helps the student understand the patient encounter process Immediate feedback Students may struggle with H&P >One minute

19 Questions?

20 References Bott GL et al. A Clinical Teaching Technique for Nurse Preceptors: The Five Minute Preceptor. J of Professional Nursing 2011; 27(1): 35-42 Bowen JL et al. Enhancing the effectiveness of One-Minute preceptor faculty development workshops. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2006; 18(1): Teherani A. Student perceptions of the One-Minute preceptor and traditional preceptor models. Medical Teacher 2007; 29: Aagaard E et al. Effectives of the One-Minute preceptor model for diagnosing the patient and the learner proof of concept. Academic Medicine 2004; 79(1):


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