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Life in the 1950’s Part 2 Chapter 27 Section 2.

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1 Life in the 1950’s Part 2 Chapter 27 Section 2

2 Movies The 1950’s saw many 3d movies and big hits. Including:
Cinderella Peter Pan Godzilla Rio Bravo Rear Window Sleeping Beauty And many more!

3 Revival in Religion Religion gained popularity in the 1950’s.
In 1954, Congress voted to put in the “Under God” in the pledge. Money also started to say “In God We Trust” 95% of Americans felt connected to a religious organization.

4 Billy Graham A young minister from Charlotte, NC.
Went around preaching religion in a way that attracted many people to religion. He created religious magazines and books.

5 Rock-and-roll and it’s king
A new form of music became popular with young people called Rock and Roll. The biggest superstar of the 50’s was singer Elvis Presley. Elvis’s songs were suggestive as where his dance moves which made kids love him and parents protest.

6 The Beatniks “The Beat Generation” was young people who rebelled against main culture. They created poetry, books and art to express themselves. They were more open with sexuality and drugs.

7 What’s Truman up to? Harry Truman was a supporter of civil rights although he received little support. His main focus was reconversion or getting the country back going after the war. He did not want the country to slip back into a depression. Truman also created the Fair Deal which was a continuation of FDR’s New Deal.

8 Election of 1948 Harry Truman (D) vs. New York Governor Thomas Dewey (R) Truman went across the country campaigning but was expected by almost everyone to lose big. So much so that the Chicago Tribune published Dewey defeats Truman before the results came in. Truman won the election.


10 We like Ike After Harry Truman Dwight Eisenhower won the white house.
Dwight was able to end the Korean War and after a slow start made strides in civil rights. Eisenhower cut back government spending which stalled the economy but no where near the depression.

11 NASA is born In response to Sputnik the U.S started the National Aeronautics and Space Administration also known as NASA.

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