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New interpretation of the old ∆z magnetic anomaly map of hungary

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1 New interpretation of the old ∆z magnetic anomaly map of hungary
Ágnes Király Eötvös Loránd University, Departement of Geophysics and Space Sciences Supervisor: Ferenc Horváth; Eötvös Loránd University, Departement of Geophysics and Space Sciences ISZA 2012

2 Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary
Contents Introduction (Rock magnetism, possible source rocks in the territory of Hungary) Earlier explanations The ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Comparing geological and magnetic data Magnetic modeling Results & conclusions 2

3 Introduction Rock magnetism
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Introduction Rock magnetism Magnetization is a vectorial sum of induced and remanent magnetization Induced magnetization is generated by the external (Earth’s) magnetic field: Jind=κ∙T, proportionality factor (κ ) is the magnetic susceptibility Remanent magnetization is generated in ferromagnetic minerals during cooling and solidification of magmatic rocks Main sources of magnetic anomalies are related to magmatic rocks In continental area: Remnants of igneous activity Obduction of ancient oceanic crust Exhumed mantle peridotites in extensional terranes 3 Based on Lowrie, 2007

4 Magnetic source rocks in the territory of Hungary
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Magnetic source rocks in the territory of Hungary MÁFI, 2010 4

5 ΔZ magnetic anomaly map of Hungary ( ELGI, 1963)
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary ΔZ magnetic anomaly map of Hungary ( ELGI, 1963) 5

6 Results of early explanation (Posgay, 1967)
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Results of early explanation (Posgay, 1967) Prekambriumi és paleozoos hatók Mezozoos hatók Paleogén hatók Miocén hatók Pliocén-pleisztocén hatók Ismeretlen korú hatók Posgay, 1967 6

7 ΔZ magnetic anomaly map of Hungary (ELGI, 2006)
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary ΔZ magnetic anomaly map of Hungary (ELGI, 2006) ELGI, 2006 7

8 „Collage” of Central European magnetic anomaly maps
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary „Collage” of Central European magnetic anomaly maps AUT: ∆T (AHL et al., 2007); SVK: ∆T (KUBEŠ et al., 2010); ROM: ∆Z ( IONESCU et al., 2009); HUN: ∆Z (ELGI, 2006) 8

9 Correlation with tectonic lines
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Correlation with tectonic lines 9 Tectonics from Horváth et al., 2006

10 Magnetic susceptibility data from Hungary and the surrounding areas
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Magnetic susceptibility data from Hungary and the surrounding areas 10

11 Geological sections in the map
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Geological sections in the map ELGI,2006 11

12 Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary

13 Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary

14 Magnetic modeling: Robust model for the Békés Basin
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Magnetic modeling: Robust model for the Békés Basin 14

15 Thank you for your kind attention!
Ágnes Király: New interpretation of the old ΔZ anomaly map of Hungary Thank you for your kind attention! 15

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