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Information from Evolving Data

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1 Information from Evolving Data
Designing Slowly Changing Dimensions

2 Understanding the issue
Organization of Descriptive Data Evolves Tampa may be in the Southern Florida one year, and Western Florida the next. Parts may move from one Product Category to another. Staff may transfer locations

3 Types of Slowly Changing Dimensions
As defined by Kimball: Type 1 Update existing dimension member Type 2 Create new record for any change Type 3 Add fields for old values

4 Pros & Cons of each Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Pro: Simple to implement
Con: Doesn’t support history Type 2 Pro: Accurately track changes over time Con: Complex to implement Type 3 Pro: Some usefulness in Relational data warehouses Con: Difficult to implement in Cubes

5 Sample BI Architecture
Sales Data Sales Stager Staging Location Data Location Stager Location Dimension Loader Sales Fact Loader Data Warehouse Cube Processing Job

6 The Type 2 Solution Track every change to each dimension member, and when it happened Do this when you load dimension tables Link facts to the correct version of dimension members at the desired point of time Do this when you load fact tables Dimension hierarchies are based on keys Do this when you design the cube

7 Relational and Multidimensional Impacts
Changes must be made in both relational and multidimensional databases Relational database must track versions of dimensional data Cube must link facts to correct version of dimension members.

8 Relational Data Dimension table records must be date stamped
Each change to dimension member must create new record Dimension table records must have an surrogate key New Fact records must link to newest dimension records. Historical Facts must link to newest key that’s older than Fact

9 Converting Staging to Dimension:
Staging Table StoreCode Business key Unique StoreName Address City State PostalCode TimeStamp Dimension Table StoreKey Surrogate key Unique StoreCode Business key StoreName Address City State PostalCode DateStamp Optional start & end dates

10 Dimension Loader Example
as int = CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112) ‘Example: ‘StoreKey is Identity, so there’s no need to insert it. INSERT INTO dataWarehouse..Locations SELECT StoreCode, StoreName, Address, City, State, FROM staging..Locations L1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Datawarehouse..Locations L2 WHERE L1. StoreCode = L2. StoreCode AND L1. StoreName = L2. StoreName AND L1. Address = L2. Address AND L1. City = L2. City AND L1. State = L2. State AND L1. Zip = L2. Zip)

11 Converting Staging to Fact
Staging Table SaleDate ProductCode LocationCode SaleAmount TimeStamp Fact Table SaleDateKey ProductKey LocationKey SaleAmount DateStamp

12 Finding the Right Foreign Key
INSERT INTO DataWarehouse..Sales SELECT (blah blah blah) AS SaleDateKey, (blah blah blah) as ProductKey (SELECT MAX(LocationKey) AS LocationKey FROM Locations L WHERE L.StoreCode = S.StoreCode AND L.DateStamp < S.DateStamp) AS LocationKey, S.SaleAmount, CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112) AS DateStamp From staging..Sales S

13 Multidimensional Data
Use a view to select dimension members. Newest version of each Member All versions of each Member Not commonly used (Hierarchies look confusing) Make sure leaf members are unique! Options Use key and name on leaf level Names are not unique Use key as leaf level, child of name level set visible = false Use ‘As Is’ query and use name as key Trade fewer members for Character key

14 Locations Dimension Example 1

15 Example 1 issue:

16 Locations Dimension Example 2

17 Locations Dimension Example 3

18 Review Choose Type of Slowly Changing Dimension
Find out what your customer wants! Manage Dimension Table Keys in Loader Key on business code & date Link Facts to Dimension Tables in Loader Choose the correct key based on date Pay attention to Dimension Leaf level Make Keys & Names unique

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