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UNI Interdisciplinary Research Symposium "Get Connected

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1 UNI Interdisciplinary Research Symposium "Get Connected
UNI Interdisciplinary Research Symposium "Get Connected. Make an Impact" Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship, and Business Ethics Adele Queiroz

2 Business and Society: An Overview of the Field
The social environment The ethical environment The public policy environment The ecological environment The stakeholder environment The international environment

3 Three interrelated concepts
Business Ethics Question asked: “What is right and wrong, good and bad, and harmful and beneficial regarding decisions and actions in organizational transactions?” (Weiss 2006 p.7) Corporate Social Responsibility Question asked: “Do companies have a social [as applied to social welfare issues] responsibility and, if so, how can firms meet and evidence their fulfillment of this responsibility?” (Hartman 2005 p. 267) Corporate/Business Citizenship Question asked: “how do companies understand and manage their wider influences on society for the benefit of the company and society as a whole?” (Andriof and McIntosh 2001 p. 14)

4 Research Project 1: Motivations for use of organizational social practices
Commitment: “We do it because is the right thing to do” Calculation: “We do it because it benefits the company” Conformance: “We do it because this is how we do things here” Caring: “We do it because we have an emotional attachment to this cause/nonprofit”

5 The emergence of new organizational forms
Research Project 2: The emergence of new organizational forms Traditional organizational forms Environmental pressures New organizational forms Language: profitability focus; social focus when possible Language: social focus; profitability as means to achieve larger social objectives


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