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HBCU Preservation Projects

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2 HBCU Preservation Projects
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Preservation Needs of Collections Increase Access to Materials Increase Use by Scholars and Teaching Faculty Internships Staff Training Environmental Monitoring

3 Rounds 1 & 2 (2007-2013) Bethune-Cookman University (FL)
Bowie State University (MD) Fayetteville State University (NC) Fisk University (TN) H. Councill Trenholm State University (AL) Hampton University (VA) Jackson State University (MS) Johnson C. Smith University (NC) Kentucky State University Lincoln University (MO) Oakwood University (AL) Prairie View A&M University (TX) Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center Tennessee State University Tuskegee University (AL) Virginia State University (VA)

4 Round 3 (2014-2016) Five HBCU institutions
Grants of up to $50,000 for preservation and access Photographic and magnetic media collections

5 Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library
(1969 Alumae Reunion Processional - Spelman College)

6 (Fisk Jubilee Singers, 1887)
Fisk University (Fisk Jubilee Singers, 1887)

7 Hampton University Museum and Archives
(Emma and Daniel Fire Cloud, Sioux, at Hampton Institute, c.1885)

8 Johnson C. Smith University
(Four young men arrested for participating in a sit-in in Charlotte NC, n.d.)

9 (Chambliss Children’s House at Tuskegee Institute)
Tuskegee University (Chambliss Children’s House at Tuskegee Institute)


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