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Collaboration News ALICE Status

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1 Collaboration News ALICE Status
28th ALICE RRB Collaboration News ALICE Status The ‘November revolution’ e a CERN-RRB 21 Apr 2010 28th ALICE RRB J. Schukraft

2 Once upon a time, 19 years ago..
Then, on November 23rd 2009, somebody pressed the ‘fast forward’ button.. attended by over 60 physicists experimental areas will be finalized by end ‘91 start of physics operation foreseen for 1998 .. should it slip, we stretch the construction schedule .. 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

3 The LHC (and everything else) accelerates ..
..after concentrated preparations.. .. and tense anticipation.. Monday, 23rd November, ~15:30 in the ALICE Control Room 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

4 some anxious minutes waiting for collisions..
~ 16:35 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

5 The first ‘event’ pops up in the ACR
~ 16:41 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

6 Relief and jubilation.. ~ 16:42 Collisions in ALICE !!
.. and some celebration.. 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

7 ‘First Physics’ in the making
~ 18:00 After years of looking at simulated data, there was no holding back: First physics results examined, ca 1 hour after data taking finished (284 events !).. 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

8 Physics exploitation of ALICE has started for good !
Phase 1: rediscovering the standard model (QCD in the case of ALICE) submitted to EPJC 28 Nov 2009 The average number of charged particles created perpendicular to the beam in pp collisions at 900 GeV is: dN/dh = 3.10 ± 0.13 (stat) ± 0.22 (syst) » p Physics exploitation of ALICE has started for good ! This is the first (and easiest) of many numbers we need to (re)measure to get confidence in our detectors, tune the simulations, study background, .... Phase 2 is still a long way to go.. last time measured at the ISR for pp National Geographic News (4 Dec.) ‘….a machine called ALICE.... found that a (!) proton-proton collision recorded on November 23 created the precise ratio of matter and antimatter particles predicted from theory..’ 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

9 A few days later… HMPID TRD track Cherenkov Ring TPC track
TPC, TRD, TOF, HMPID HMPID Cherenkov Ring TRD track TPC track On 6th December, ‘stable beams’ were declared & we could switch on all ALICE detectors for the first time.. Muon Spectrometer ITS 12/3/2010 Yale J. Schukraft

10 preliminary calibration & alignment !
.. ‘lots’ of data.. TPC No vertex cut ! ITS ‘Good pp interactions’: (rate few Hz) - 300 k : √s = 900 GeV - 30 k : √s = 2.36 TeV velocity v/c TOF Protons Kaons Pions all plots: preliminary calibration & alignment ! TRD Electrons Pions ALICE special: Particle Identification (very important for heavy ion physics later in 2010) Plots as shown on 18 Dec ‘LHC’ jamboree 15/2/2006 LHCC Status Report J. Schukraft 12/3/2010 Yale J. Schukraft

11 Tracking works beautifully
Beam spot at 2.36 TeV TPC pt spectrum Preliminary preliminary alignment ! SPD Vertex resolution versus # tracks Plots as shown on 18 Dec ‘LHC’ jamboree 12/3/2010 Yale J. Schukraft

12 The Particle Zoo Revisited:
PDG: MeV K0s ® pp PDG: MeV L ® pp … National Geographic was sort of correct.. PDG: MeV L ® pp F ® K+K- PDG: MeV Plots as shown on 18 Dec ‘LHC’ jamboree 12/3/2010 Yale J. Schukraft

13 More Particles.. p0 ® gg ® e+e- e+e- p0 ® gg X ® Lp ® pp p
1 < pt < 1.5 GeV PHOS (9 m2) X ® Lp ® pp p Plots as shown on 18 Dec ‘LHC’ jamboree 12/3/2010 Yale J. Schukraft

14 A taste of things to come..
p/p ratio to study Baryon Transport via di-quark stopping or gluon junctions NB: National Geographics was right, after all ! p- HBT correlation function to study space-time evolution (also reference for heavy ion data) Data Monte Carlo (no HBT correlations) TOF PID spectra to study particle production <pt> versus multiplicity to tune Monte Carlo programs (and watch for surprises ?) <pt> in 0.3 to 4 GeV ‘raw’ plots: no/incomplete correction for efficiency, acceptance, resolution, background, … Plots as shown on 18 Dec ‘LHC’ jamboree 12/3/2010 Yale J. Schukraft

15 Finally… Plots as shown on 18 Dec ‘LHC’ jamboree Work in progress..
dN/dh at 2.36 TeV statistical error negligible final systematic error under evaluation (still 7% for the time being) LHC Ös = 900 GeV LHC Ös = 2.36 TeV Plots as shown on 18 Dec ‘LHC’ jamboree 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

16 Getting to know ALICE: Weight
‘out-of-the-box’ total ~ 8%X/X0 Gamma ray tomography g-ray image of ALICE photon conversion vertices next iteration IFC glue joints pre-preg IFC: 3x0.1mm -> 2x0.25 mm (0.51%->0.74%X0) 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

17 Getting to know ALICE: Shape
Data MC Impact parameter DCA pT = 1 – 1.5 GeV/c s=181 mm after alignment before SPD Data MC pT = 1 – 1.5 GeV/c alignment with cosmics only cosmics + pp ( = 0 and π) 17 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

18 PID (or 6 ways to measure Kaons)
ALICE - Work in Progress ALICE - Work in Progress K ® mn ALICE Work in Progress # 6: HMPID Cherenkov p K K0s ® pp ALICE - Work in Progress Results shown on 17 Febr LHCC 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

19 Getting quantitative 3.09 ± 0.05 ± ? Systematic error of 2-3% !
Published in EPJC Systematic error of 2-3% ! NSD 2.36 TeV NSD 900 GeV INEL 900 GeV ALICE preliminary 4.43 ± 0.01 ± 0.16 3.58 ± 0.01 ± 0.12 3.02 ± 0.01 ± 0.07 ALICE EPJC (2010) 3.51 ± 0.15 ± 0.25 3.10 ± 0.13 ± 0.22 CMS JHEP 02 (2010) 041 4.47 ± 0.04 ± 0.16 3.48 ± 0.02 ± 0.13 UA5 Z. Phys. C33 1 (1986) 3.43 ± 0.05 ± ? 3.09 ± 0.05 ± ? 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

20 Life starts to get interesting..
Increase .9 to 2.3 TeV (%) NSD ALICE preliminary* 23.7 ± % CMS 28.4 ± 1.4 ± 2.6 % Pythia D6T (109) 18.7 % Pythia ATLAS CSC (306) 18.3 % Pythia Perugia-0 (320) 18.5 % Phojet 14.5 % QGSM 19 % Tail grows faster ! Larger increase of multiplicity at mid-rapidity than in MC generators Is History repeating itself (with a difference in sign ?) Not quite as exciting yet, but we will get there, eventually.. Good news for the Heavy Ion program: More charged particles will create a denser and hotter system ! 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

21 More Particle Appearances
K* ® Kp February 2010 Work in progress h ® gg ® e+e- e+e- X(ssd) ® Lp ® pp p April 2010 W(sss) ® LK ® pp K April 2010 1964 BNL bubble chamber 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

22 (Anti)Nuclei 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

23 Physics Analysis Papers published Papers submitted
‘First Physics’, EPJC 65 (2010) 111 Papers submitted Detailed analysis of charged particle multiplicity (0.9 & 2.36 TeV) EPJC, 18.4 First look at multiplicity at 7 TeV Papers almost ready (900 GeV Data) Charged particle pT Identified particles pT (π, K, p) Strangeness production (K0, Λ, Ξ, Φ) Baryon-antibaryon asymmetry Bose-Einstein correlations Other ongoing Analysis π0 spectra, event structure, azimuthal correlations, -φ correlations, high multiplicity events, ……… 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

24 Events of all kinds K ® pm decays X ® Lp ® pp p
21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

25 High Multiplicity Event
Still, not too bad for pp (50 charged tracks in TPC) 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

26 Some extreme Cosmic Event
‘Muon Bundle’: 220 high momentum muons from cosmic shower (ACORDE cosmic trigger) 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

27 Acknowlegments We would be nowhere.. without the (mostly)
unwavering and generous support (financial and otherwise) of our Funding Agencies ! 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

28 Collaboration News New Institutes Change of status Ongoing Discussions
Frankfurt Institute of Computer Science (Germany) HLT change of Institute of HLT project leader Chicago State University (NSF, USA) Physics, EMCAL,Trigger U Texas Austin (DOE USA) Physics, EMCAL Change of status HUST Wuhan (China): PHOS electronics has problems to get funded for M&O; main contribution and interest is in technology/hardware has asked to change status from ‘full’ to ‘associate’ member (with the corresponding consequences for CB representation & authorship rights) Ongoing Discussions Comsats/Pinstech (Pakistan) : ‘associate members status’, Physics, Computing has been dormant, but now activities restarted with Comsats 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

29 Collaboration News Appointments
Run Coordinator 2010: C. Garabatos (GSI) Editorial Board Chair: P. Kuijer (NIKHEF) until end 2010 Conference Committee chair: P. Giubellino (Torino) until end 2010 Elections: Spokesperson & CB-chair reach term limit end 2010 Spokesperson elect: P. Giubellino (Torino), starting for 3 year term CB chair election in July 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

30 Disappearance of the trigger group would be a major problem !
Funding.. UK funding crisis (again, after 1999, 2001, 2008): STFC review end 2009: ALICE (+ most other NP projects) classified as ALICE support guaranteed only until the end of the current grant (mid 2011) Impact on ALICE: 1 UK group (Birmingham, 10th biggest group in ALICE since merger with STAR!) physics: significant role in analysis (strangeness production, cross sections,..) trigger: sole responsibility for production/commissioning/expert operation trigger: hardware (electronics) + ‘firmware’ (specialized code) + software (UI) hardware: production & installation of components is complete firmware: commissioning ongoing, complete only some time after Pb run expert operation & intervention & functionality improvements: required throughout the lifetime of ALICE Current PPAN projects subject to discussions leading to managed withdrawal Nuclear Physics AGATA, ALICE at CERN, PANDA. Additional reduction imposed on ongoing projects of £2m. Total Savings of £12m over 5 years A well commissioned and working trigger is vital for any operation of ALICE Disappearance of the trigger group would be a major problem ! 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

31 Funding Spain Physics, computing EMCAL extension (‘DCAL’)
new director of CIEMAT has announced to withdraw from ALICE by October discussions ongoing, including the 2nd Spanish group (S. de Compostela) EMCAL extension (‘DCAL’) emcal was approved in 2008; available space limited its size additional space available adjacent to PHOS (~ 40% of emcal) funding of emcal extension (6 SuperModules): US DOE: 3.2 SM (agreed, emcal contingency) Japan: 1.3 SM (funding agreed) China: 1 SM (funding partially agreed) France: support structure SM (partially agreed) construction to be completed for installation in 2012 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

32 ALICE Detector Installation mid 2009
Complete: ITS, TPC, TOF, HMPID, FMD, T0, V0, ZDC, Muon arm, Acorde PMD , PHOS(3/5), DAQ Partial installation: 7/18 TRD 4/10 EMCAL ~ 60% HLT ALICE Status New (‘post Chamonix’) LHC schedule: Likely configuration until end 2011 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

33 Shutdown Activities 2009/10 Short shutdown: Consolidation and improvements SPD cooling: reduced cooling flow => only 70% of modules was operational ! cleaning of lines, additional pressure & flow regulators & cooling installed only slight improvement (86% of modules can be operated) tests show that reduced flow is due to clogging of lines inside ITS access & repair will require a very long shutdown (e.g. 2012) TPC: complete replacement of HV decoupling capacitors on C side relocate gating pulsers (now accessible during running) Muon tracking chambers: 2% of one chamber HV isolated (broken wire) SSD: cooling unit with humidity control (reduces leakage current in SINTEF modules) many other minor interventions… SPD: new heat exchangers New ITS ventilation unit 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

34 Detector Status Summary
All systems up & running & taking data ! PMD: additional air cooling installed, now fully working PHOS: at -250C since late 2009 HLT: 1500 CPU cores installed for pp 2500 cores to be added for PbPb (100% cap.) regular use for DQM, beam position, calibration, … Online systems (DAQ, DCS, ECS) deployed automatic detector configuration (ACT) simpler & more efficient data taking will reduce need for people on shift ! 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

35 Integrated Data taking efficiency
Data Taking Summary >15 Million interactions > 150 k Muon triggers Inter. rate ~ 30 – 90 Hz Integrated Data taking efficiency since 30.3 ~ 85% 21/4/ th RRB J. Schukraft

36 Offline data taking and processing
Raw Data Registration Raw Data Processing Several Passes completed for 900 GeV and 2360 GeV data Analysis train running weekly: QA, physics working groups organized analysis > 14 M collision events Run processing – start immediately after RAW data transferred to CERN MSS Average – 5 hours per job At 10 hours, 95% of the run is processed At 15 hours, 99% of the run is processed MC production Several production cycles for 900 GeV and 7 TeV MB pp: 17 Mio events with various generators (Phytia, PHOJET) and conditions from real data taking (beam position not stable => each fill needs its own MC !!!)

37 Computing resources New LHC schedule: 2010:
1.5×109 pp events (1×109 MB + 0.5×109 rare triggered) 6.4×107 PbPb events (saturating the 1.25GB/s bandwidth) 2011 0.6×109 pp events (0.1×109 MB + 0.5×109 rare triggered) 2012: no data taking Switched from calendar year to RRB year 2010: June 2010 – March 2011 2011: April 2011 – March 2012 Optimize usage of resources by assigning any task (analysis train, end-user analysis, MC production) to any site category whenever resources are available

38 ALICE is a very happy (and busy) girl right now
Summary ALICE is a very happy (and busy) girl right now

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