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Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology

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1 Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology
Symbolic Interactionism Functional Analysis Conflict Theory

2 To Make Sense out of life…
We use our common sense We take our experiences (or facts) and place them into a framework or related ideas Sociologists place their observations into a conceptual framework called a theory.

3 Theory IS: A general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work. It is an explanation of how two or more “facts” are related to one another.

4 Symbolic Interactionism
Individuals evaluate their own conduct by comparing themselves with others Studies how people use symbols (the things we attach meanings to) to develop their views of the world and to communicate with others Without symbols our social life would be no more sophisticated than that of animals Think about symbols for relatives, significant others, teachers, employers, friends

5 Without Symbols There would be no way of defining our relationships
We would not know to whom we owe respect and obligations or from whom we can expect privileges ALL things that human relationships are made up of symbols

6 Functional Analysis The central idea is that society is a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together Also known as known as functionalism It is rooted in the origins of Sociology Comte, Herbert, and Durkheim- living organism If society is to function smoothly, its various parts must work together in harmony.

7 Merton and Functionalism
Dismissed “organic analogy” But maintained essence of functionalism Parts of the whole working together Merton used the term functions to refer to the beneficial consequences of people’s actions Functions help keep a group in equilibrium Dysfunctions are consequences that harm a society—they undermine a system’s equilibrium

8 Merton & Functionalism cont
Latent Functions Unintended consequences that help a system adjust Ex: Birthrate is low—gov’t offers a bonus to married couples for every child born Diaper and baby furniture sales are up Latent Dysfunctions Unintended consequences that hurt a system Ex: Gov’t failed to issue ‘stopping point’ with bonus Larger families become more common and poverty increases

9 Conflict Theory Stresses that society is composed of groups that are competing with one another for scarce resources Karl Marx Founder of conflict theory Industrial Revolution On avg--poor dying at 30; wealthy living until 50 He was shocked by suffering and exploitation Decided that the key to human history was class conflict A small group controls the means of production and exploits those who are not in control

10 Marx and Conflict Theory cont.
The struggle is between The bourgeoisie—the wealthy capitalists They control the politics If workers rebel, they can all the authorities to subdue them The proletariat—the mass of workers being exploited Conflict Theory & Feminists Marx claimed similar conflict between men & women Historical, contemporary, and global inequalities—traditional dominance of men can be overcome

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