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Dan Bischoff Scott Terry Brian Dearden

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2 Dan Bischoff Scott Terry Brian Dearden
Social Media Part 2: How to Use Facebook and Twitter to Effectively Build Your Business Dan Bischoff Scott Terry Brian Dearden

3 Success Week Webinars! Nov. 12-19
Build Instant Rapport with Prospects Social Media for Beginners Social Media to Effectively Build Your Business Easily Share NSP with Others How to Maximize NSP’s Compensation Plan Live Giveaways at the end of this Webinar! Product Promotions


5 All webinar resources can be found at
A phone recording of this webinar is available at PIN (Not a toll-free call)


7 Type in Your Questions!

8 Let’s Learn From Our Resident Expert…
Dan Bischoff Digital Content Manager Nature’s Sunshine Products

9 Social Media For Your Biz
Take a look at some successful Facebook pages in these articles: AllFacebook: The 100 Most Engaging Brands on Facebook HubSpot: 20 Examples of Great Facebook Pages • HubSpot: 7 Awesome B2B Facebook Fan Pages • Jeff Bullas: Top 10 Small Business Facebook Designs to Inspire You • Social Media Examiner: Top 10 Small Business Facebook Pages: 2011 Winners

10 Social Media For Your Biz
Gather information about what is working and take notes of these key points: How often is the page posting? What times are they posting? • What are they posting? What is getting the most interaction – pictures, links, videos, questions? What is working for them? (Hint: copy what is working) • How many people post directly on the page? How many respond to a post?

11 Social Media Examples

12 More Examples

13 More Examples Successful brands engage with their audience. They don’t preach or sell to them.

14 What They Have in Common?
Give a reason to follow Consistent Entertaining/Relevant Content Content that solves problems

15 Best Practices Post 3-5 times a day Focus on engagement
Have a call to action – ask them to click, like, etc. Don’t oversell or undersell – mix it up! Make it fun There is no “right” way

16 Connect With Us!

17 Spanish Sales Manager – Network Marketing
Brian Dearden Spanish Sales Manager – Network Marketing /BrianDeardenNSP /NSPBDearden

18 Get connected Nature’s Sunshine NSP Spanish Division /naturessunshine
/DivisionHispanaNSP Connect yourself with the information sources Go online and show them… Follow Nature’s Sunshine on Facebook Follow Spanish Division on Facebook Follow on NSP Twitter Have your upline’s page Teach your team to do the same from Day 1 – get plugged into the sources

19 Your Profile Cover Photo – Does it draw me in?
Profile Picture – What is my first reaction? Timeline/Wall – Would I want to learn more? Your Profile Cover Photo – Does it draw me in? Profile Picture – What is my first reaction? Wall (posts) – Would I want to learn more? Why did you join NSP? What is the goal you are working towards? Clients and customers should do the same When someone goes public with their goal they become accountable for that goal. This will increase retention (Get everyone to post their goal from Day 1) Ask questions – Be conversational – Become interesting to create interaction Share posts from information sources Blend personal & business Be yourself – DON’T BE NEGATIVE – try to be positive Info – Would I want to meet you? Photos – What are these saying? Videos – What are these saying?

20 Build your list of friends
Facebook is not a tool to meet new people This is a warm market tool If someone shows interest in your NSP Business Direct Message them! Hay que crear tu lista de amigos ¿Que es la primera cosa que uds deben de hacer cuando recien se inscriben a Nature’s Sunshine? Crear una lista de conocidos que tu crees que estarían interesados en el negocio o producto. Facebook ha facilitado este paso para nosotros. Facebook no es una herramienta para conocer personas nuevas. Es un lugar para conectarte a gente que ya te has conocido. Si no sabes quien es la persona o no has hecho un contacto con esta persona, no te hagas amigos en Facebook. Ahora, con los mil milliones de personas con una cuenta de Facebook, cuando tu conoces a una persona por la primera vez, en vez de pedir una tarjeta de negocios, puedes preguntar si está en Facebook y sacar el telefono y hacerte amigos inmediatamente. Es mejor porque tendrás más interación con esta persona Build your list of Friends When beginning a Network Marketing business, what is one of the 1st things you are asked to do? – CREATE A LIST!!! Facebook has made this easy for us! Not to meet new people – Connect with people you know! This is a Warm Market Tool When you meet someone and talk business, what do you ask them for? BUSINESS CARDS! Now you can ask, “Are you on Facebook?” This creates engagement. You can follow-up better with FB than with a business card. As soon as someone shows interest, DIRECT MESSAGE THEM! Don’t comment on their Timeline

21 Protect your friends and your business
Privacy Settings – Hide your friends!! Protect your friends and your business! Show how to do that. Someone bothering you/damaging your business/stealing people (don’t unfriend – BLOCK them)

22 Tag Team Wecome everyone who joins NSP by tagging
Teach your group to do the same RECOGNIZE! More Comments, Likes, and Shares Increases the possibility that someone will see your post Tag-team Welcome everyone who joins NSP – Tag them (show how to do this) You want them to feel welcome from Day 1! Teach your team to do the same Recognize everyone for everything! Congratulate all day – it’s not a pitch… it’s social When more and more people see people being congratulated, more and more people will become interested Comment on the posts people make Everyone sees the comments If there are more “Likes” and comments, people are more likely to look at it. Facebook only shows those things that have more likes and comments (more people see them)

23 Questions & Answers

24 US Success Week Promotions (Nov
US Success Week Promotions (Nov ) $2 off, Buy 4 Get 1 Free, Buy 9 Get 3 Free Probiotic Eleven Proactazyme Everflex Skeletal Strength Perfect Eyes Thyroid Activator Magnesium Complex HSN-W Para-Cleanse Bowel Detox

25 Canada Success Week Promotions (Nov
Canada Success Week Promotions (Nov ) $2 off, Buy 4 Get 1 Free, Buy 9 Get 3 Free Probiotic Eleven Garden Essence Everflex with HA Calcium-Magnesium plus Vit. D Perfect Eyes KC-X LBS II HSN-W Para-Pak BWL-BLD

26 Live Giveaway Winners

27 Thank You for Joining Us!
Tomorrow: Simple Ways to Share Nature’s Sunshine with Others

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