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说课课件: Chapter 5 Busy Lives Lesson 1 At Home (Grammar) 张家港工贸职业高级中学 徐艳.

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Presentation on theme: "说课课件: Chapter 5 Busy Lives Lesson 1 At Home (Grammar) 张家港工贸职业高级中学 徐艳."— Presentation transcript:

1 说课课件: Chapter 5 Busy Lives Lesson 1 At Home (Grammar) 张家港工贸职业高级中学 徐艳

2 说课思路: My understanding of this lesson
(Analysis of the teaching material, aims, key and difficult points) 2. Analysis of the students Analysis of the teaching methods, the learning methods and the teaching aids. 4. Analysis of the teaching procedures 5. The blackboard design

3 Analysis of the teaching material:
1. It has close relationship with the daily life. 2. It is a grammar lesson. 3. It is helpful for the students to put English into practice.

4 Teaching Aims: Knowledge Aims: Ability Aims: Moral Aims:
To master the sentence patterns in the Present Continuous Tense To learn to useful phrases such as get dressed, make the bed, etc C. To learn how to pay a bill Ability Aims: A. To use the sentence patterns correctly and flexibly. B. To develop the students’ integrative abilities. C. To train the students’ cooperative ability. Moral Aims: To build the students’ self-confidence. To cultivate the students’ initiative. To develop the students’ team spirit.

5 Key points and difficult points :
To master the sentence patterns in the Present Continuous Tense Difficulties: A. To use the sentences patterns freely. B. The pair work & group work.

6 1. They are the vocational school students.
Analysis of the students: 1. They are the vocational school students. 2. They are not good at English. 3. They are not confident. 4. They are not active in class.

7 Teaching Methods: Task-based Teaching Method. 2. Total Situational Action Teaching Method.

8 Learning Methods: Competitive Learning Method 2. Co-operative Learning Method

9 Teaching Aids: 1. some cards 2. a tape recorder 3. CAI 4. a blackboard

10 Teaching procedures: Step1. lead-in (5’) Step2. Presentation(25’)
Step3. Consolidation (10’) Step4. Summary(3’) Step5. Homework(2’)

11 Asking-answering: What time is it? Where are you?
Step1. Lead-in Asking-answering: What time is it? Where are you? What are you doing here?

12 Picture-talking: What are they doing?

13 Questions: Step2. Presentation Listening & Repeating What time is it?
Where is Angela? What is she doing?

14 Pair work Make up short dialogues referring to the given pictures and the model dialogue.

15 Finding the missing words to complete the sentences.
Game & Conclusion Finding the missing words to complete the sentences. 2. Concluding the basic forms of the Present Continuous Tense.

16 Drills 1. Practising the sentence patterns “I am doing…” “He/ She is doing…” individually. 2. Finishing the Exercise 2 on P38 in pairs.

17 Acting Game Tips: One member pretends to do an activity and let the others to guess what he is doing.

18 Consolidation Exercises: Finish the exercises on P85 & 87 & 39

19 Consolidation Sing a song: Sailing
i am sailing, i am sailing, home again 'cross the sea. i am sailing, stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. i am flying, i am flying, like a bird 'cross the sky. i am flying, passing high clouds, to be with you, to be free. can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night, far away, i am dying, forever trying, to be with you, who can say. we are sailing, we are sailing, home again 'cross the sea. we are sailing, stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. oh lord, to be near you, to be free. oh my lord, to be near you, to be free, oh my lord, to be near you, to be free, oh my lord.

20 Summary: Emphasize the key points of this lesson again.

21 Homework: 1. To go over what you’ve learnt this lesson.
2. To make a survey and write a short passage about your family members’ daily activities.

22 Thank you !

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