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Published byNorman Thomas Modified over 6 years ago
APC - Calibration Unit (Electronics implantation part)
Noto KM3Net Collaboration Meeting June 13/
- Purposes - Implantation - Essentials contents - Diagram
CB – Calibration Base - - Purposes - Implantation - Essentials contents - Diagram - New cards (upgrade) - IU news (from CPPM) - Interconnexion - Conclusion
Measure environmental conditions
CB - Purposes Timing calibration of the DOMs (laser beacon) Positions and displacements of DOMs (acoustic long baseline) Measure environmental conditions Sound velocity Salinity Temperature Currents
CB - Implantation JB I U CB DU DU DU DU Laser AC/DC EDFA (X2) LBL
DOM DOM DOM DOM ON SHORE // // // // DOM DOM DOM DOM 375v = JB I U Laser DOM DOM DOM DOM Data CB DU DU DU DU AC/DC Optical Link EDFA (X2) Power Link Acronyms LBL EDFA : Optical amplifier LBL : Long Base Line acoustic beacon CB : Calibration Base DOM : Detection Optical Module JB : Jonction Box DU : Detection Unit IU : Instrumentation Unit Laser : Laser Beacon CB container NEW_BPS (modif.APC) AC/DC CLB Hydrophone BCI Optical fiber (IN) EDFA NEW_FMC Optical fiber (OUT) EDFA
CB - Essentials contents
New Laser Beacon CLB control board FMC card for external communication EDFAs (x2) Laser Beacon Hydrophone LBL accoustic emitter Power boards Hydrophone New Structure LBL emitter
CB - Calibration Base – Diagram_07
On mast Laser Beacon CB - Calibration Base – Diagram_07 Acronyms 10 pts.connector AC/DC : AC/DC Converter CB container BCI : Base Connection Interface 5v or 12v Power PS_12v New_BPS : Base Power Supply Trigger RS485 CB : Calibration Base Sync. LVDS RS232 CLB : Control Logic Board J6 EDFA : Optical amplifier New_BPS (modif.APC) J? Power 12v New_FMC : FPGA Mezzanine Card AC/DC Plugged on CLB CLB V2_2_1 ? LBL : Long Base Line acoustic beacon To J.B J8 J7 BCI J3 4/5 pts.connector J5 I U Instrumentation Unit EDFA Optical fiber (IN) new_FMC RS232 RS485 rs232/rs485 converter RS232 RS232 Power 12v Optical fiber (OUT) Data EDFA JB & IU penetrator RS232 Plugged on CLB JB & IU penetrator RJ45 RS232 Trigger Power 12v 12 pts.connector Câble for external devices AES-EBU+CLK+ power 12v On mast Acoustic Beacon LBL Communication bus Hydrophone On mast Optical Link Power Link
Modifications on the APC version
CB – New BPS supply card Purposes Supply : - CLB card through BCI one - 2 EDFA devices - Externals devices (Laser Beacon, IU, Hydrophone, Acoustic modules) Modifications on the APC version - Upgrade the DC/DC chip from 50 to 100W Dedicated 12v power DC lines for externals devices Dedicated 5v power DC lines to EDFA STATUS at APC Mechanical integration in study (according to original first card dimensions) Awaiting upgrade production cards
Modifications for the APC version (CU)
CB – New_FMC card Modifications for the APC version (CU) - Transfer power lines from PBS to external devices Dedicated connectors to external devices New serial buses for externals devices RS232/RS485 translators for IU EDFA_2 : control line (rs 232) STATUS at APC - Awaiting new version production for tests
CB - Laser Beacon block-diagram
From notes : - « The KM3Net-It Laser Beacon » Antonio Capone & Rocco Masullo Mars 2015 - « Laser Beacon functionnal block diagram » Rocco Masullo Mai 2015 - Doc. TEEM photonics de la carte de contrôle laser MLC-03A-BP1 –Oct 2013 12v Power & Signal Laser Head DB15 PD Optical Attenuator LDC – MLC-03A-BP1 (Laser Driver) Photodiode Signal To CB Container (connector 10 pts.) DB9 34 2 12v Power RS232 Trigger DB9 4 Sync. (LVDS) DB9 Trigger (RS485) Control Board (LPMI +) 2 RS232 4 12v Power ??? 4 Battery 12v ??? Connecteurs lemo Total number of pins n Connecteurs Smb
CB – Cards_Interconnexion (BPS/BCI/CLB/FMC_ links)
NEW_BPS BCI CLB_V3 NEW_FMC IU « power over ethernet » OR IU (RS422) Differential link + 12v power Power lines 1 V/3A (7/9) 1,8V/1A (11) 2,5V/1A (5) 3,3V/1A (3) 12V/0,15A (13) GND (2,4,6,8,10,12,14) J1 J1 Power lines 1 V/3A (P1/P3) 2,5V/1A (P5) 3,3V/1A (P7) GND (P2/P4/P6/P8) (10 x 40) Power lines 12V/0,15A (C35/C37) « OM_PWR_FILT » GND (C36/C38) J7 J2 U35c J1c (RJ45) RS232/Ethernet OR RS232/RS422 converter J ? J3 J3 U35d J1d Power lines 3,3V (D32/D36/D38/D40) « OM_PWR_FILT » GND (D35/D37/D39) Power lines 12V/0,15A (S21/S22) « OM_PWR_FILT » GND (S7/S8/S15/S16) Power lines 1,8V/1A (P7) GND (P2/P4/P6/P8) J4 J4 J3 Hydrophone signals [J?] - CLK (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - AES (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - Extern shield (Phantom-like power line) Control link BPS RX (3) TX(5) GND (9) LBL signals [J?] Trigger (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) RS232 line_3 wires (RX, TX, GND) Power_1 wire (+ 12V) BPS (RS232) AC/DC (RS232) J7 EDFA_1 (RS232) ex J7 J ? EDFA_2 (5V) EDFA_2 (RS232) J ? Power links EDFAs (5V) Laser Beacon (12V) Hydrophone (12V) J ? LBL (12V) J ? IU_Control/Command (RS485) + Power (12V) Power links (12V) IU (12V) J ? J ? J ? Laser Beacon signals (J?) Sync (LVDS)_2 wires (twisted pair) Trigger (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) RS232 line_3 wires (RX, TX, GND) Power_1 wire (+5V or +12V) Spare_2 wires (twisted pair) (RJ45) (RJ45) Control RS232 Control RS232 Syn (LVDS) Trigger (ex J8) Trigger (ex J8) CLK/AES (ex J4) MC-BH-10F MC-BH-12F xxxxxx Container limit MC-IL-10M MC-IL-12M xxxxxxx 600V AC JB & Optical link MC-IL-5F Acronyms MC-IL-6F MC-IL-5M xxxxxxxx NEW_BPS : Base Power Supply MC-IL-10M CLB : Central Logic Board Control links needed Power links needed Actuals control links Externals links I U MC-IL-10M MC-BH-6M CU : Calibration Unit Laser EDFA : Optical amplifier LBL NEW_FMC : FPGA Mezzanine Card Hydrophone IU : Instrumentation Line Laser : Laser Beacon LBL : Long Base Line acoustic beacon
Already purchased and delivered in CPPM : 1 IMM modem
Status on the IU IN CPPM Status on the IU IN CPPM CB – IU status Status on the IU in CPPM Already purchased and delivered in CPPM : 1 IMM modem 1 Inductive cable 1 Inductive CTD (Seabird) 1 Currentmeter Aquadop (Nortek) + inductive interface (UIMM) IU/CB communication One 50m electric cable is foreseen RS422 or 485 serial link is preferred to ethernet Wet matable on the IU side (not on the CB side) communication drivers have been ordered and will be tested in CPPM on a similar 50m electric cable with ODI connectics (lent by DT INSU)
Developpement in progress in CPPM
CB – IU status Status on the IU in CPPM Developpement in progress in CPPM 1 – IU instrumentation implementation Inductive set up and test bench is operational in CPPM : inductive modem management, communication with instruments via inductive line, etc 2 – IU mechanical structure Design of the IU anchor is under going Global mechanical specifications are under reflexion (deployment, …)
Evaluation of acoustic modem vs electrical cable solution
CB – IU status Status on the IU in CPPM On going : Evaluation of acoustic modem vs electrical cable solution Wait for the acoustic modem Albatross results Albatross will be deployed at the beginning of june 2015 will be linked via one acoustic modem to the MII (connected in the same time than the 1rst DU on the Meust node) - first tests were decevant but problems should have been resolved Purchase of the first elements of the IU have been launched (IMM, ICC, UIMM, instruments,
CB - Interconnexion_connectors_I
Hydrophone cable (5 pts) - CLK (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - AES (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - Extern shield (Phantom-like power line) Laser Beacon connector (10 pts) - Sync (LVDS)_2 wires (twisted pair) - Trigger (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - RS232 line_3 wires (RX, TX, GND) - 5v or 12v Power_2 wires (+V, GND) LBL cable (6 pts) - Trigger (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - RS232 line_3 wires (RX, TX, GND) - Power_1 wire (+ 12V) Devices connector (12 pts.) LBL (Data + Power) ISOLATED Hydrophone (Data + Power) ISOLATED CALIBRATION UNIT Laser Beacon ( Data + Power) ISOLATED From DU HT POWER Link Optical Data Link To IU IU ( Data + Power) ISOLATED IU link (6 RS232 line_3 wires (RX, TX, GND) Or RS422/485 line (2 twisted pairs v Power_2 wires (+V, GND) LEGEND Data + Power HT power/Data Optical Link JB & IU Line penetrator (CU specific design) Acronyms DU : Detection Unit IU : Instrumentation Line Laser : Laser Beacon LBL : Long Base Line acoustic beacon
CB - Interconnexion_connectors_II
Hydrophone Hydrophone signals (5) - CLK (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - AES (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) - Extern shield (Phantom-like power line) MC-IL-5M MC-IL-5F MC-IL-12M MC-BH-12F LBL MC-BH-6M LBL signals (6) Trigger (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) RS232 line_2 wires (RX, TX) Power_2 wires (+ 12V) + GND MC-IL-10M MC-BH-10F MC-IL-6F CALIBRATION UNIT Laser Beacon HT POWER Link MC-BH-10M From JB Optical Data Link Laser Beacon signals (8) Sync (LVDS)_2 wires (twisted pair) Trigger (LVDS) _2 wires (twisted pair) RS232 line_2 wires (RX, TX, GND) Power_2 wires (+5V or +12V) + GND Spare_2 wires (twisted pair) IU ( Data + Power) ISOLATED To IU MC-IL-10F Line penetrator (CU specific design) IU link ( RS232 line_3 wires (RX, TX, GND) Or RS422/485 line (2 twisted pairs v Power_2 wires (+V, GND) LEGEND SEACON Male connector SEACON Female connector On unwinders cable Acronyms DU : Detection Unit nb : The bulks connectors are standard wired with 30 cm of 20 AWG wire. IU : Instrumentation Line LBL : Long Base Line acoustic beacon
CB - Conclusion In progress : Mechanical design (Developement of the laser beacon mecanics, Base Container redesign, CB anchor redesign) Define new specifications to BPS & FMC cards Define electronics interfaces with externals devices Design the cards integration in the calibration container Pending items : New FMC & BPS boards, Hydrophone, Acoustic Emitter (LBL) EDFA’s modules Laser Beacon Control board (LPMI+) Hard & Softs Modifications on the CLBv2/Ph1 or wait until CLBv3/Ph2 ?
Merci de votre attention …
A new KM3Net site ? CB - Remerciements Merci de votre attention …
KM3NET Collaboration meeting - Noto
Calibration base and laser beacon Cobas Daniel - APC
Calibration base
Calibration base Structural steel – welded assembly of IPE, UPE and HE beams
NORSOK system 7B painting on all surfaces (except sacrificial anode’s interfaces.). Two component epoxy - Minimum number of coats: 2 Complete coating system: Minimum DFT 350 μm DYE penetrant examination on all lifting interfaces welds All welds to be continuous Sacrificial anodes Xylan coated bolts and nuts
Calibration base Equipment integration
Height: 2600mm Width : 1500mm Length : 2500mm
Calibration base Implantation layout
Calibration base Rotating Lifting mast
Instrument’s protective caps not represented. To be removed by ROV after landing phase. Rotation ensures no impact of lifting line on the instruments during the landing phase.
Max current (1,3m/s peak) induced force : 17kg
Calibration base Current induced forces (conservative) on mast extremities Max current (1,3m/s peak) induced force : 17kg
Calibration base Weight management
Weight in air : 1,3 tons Weight in seawater : 890kg
Titanium grade 5 enclosure Dimensionning as per EN13445
KM3NET LASER BEACON External diameter : 162mm Length : 635mm Titanium grade 5 enclosure Dimensionning as per EN13445
Aluminium frame (Made from a standard aluminium pipe) Liquid crystal retarder Laser Laser control PCB LPMI+ PCB
Pending items Calibration base Laser beacon
interface définition of the lifting line release (medium impact) ODI penetrator for 50m jumpers interface on base container (medium impact) Wet-mate connectors selection for parking definition (minor impact) Laser beacon Quartz rod final definition, job ongoing (medium impact) LPMI+ board final definition (medium impact)
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