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Our vision: Everyone valued, Everyone challenged Everyone achieving

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1 Our vision: Everyone valued, Everyone challenged Everyone achieving
Expectations for Year 1 Our vision: Everyone valued, Everyone challenged Everyone achieving

2 YEAR ONE TEAM 1J- Miss Johnrose 1A- Mrs Warne and Mrs Adam
YEAR ONE TEACHERS: 1J- Miss Johnrose 1A- Mrs Warne and Mrs Adam 1N- Miss Nadeem 1R- Miss Ruperte Mr Wynne- Reading Recovery Teacher

3 Clothing Please make sure that your child’s name is on every item of their clothing and their PE bags are sent with the right clothing every Monday. PE bags must be left in school during the week and be brought home every Friday.

4 Clothing Please make sure that your child is wearing the correct uniform. Children must wear a navy blue jumper or cardigan with the school logo, navy blue skirt or trousers and black shoes. If they are wearing tights they must be navy blue or white. Scarves must be navy blue. Children must wear stud earrings and not hoops.

5 Dropping your child at school
If you have any concerns that you would like to relay to the teacher please make an appointment to see them after school. If the concern is urgent please call the school and someone will call you back.

6 Collecting your child after school
If you are unable to collect your child after school let the school know who will collecting them. We cannot release your child to an adult if we have not been informed prior to their collection.

7 Topics for learning in class
Children will be learning: English- poetry, fairy tales, stories from familiar settings Maths- counting, fractions, number patterns Science- the human body, seasons Computing- online safety History and Geography

8 Maths By the end of Year 1 children should be able to work with numbers up to 100. They will be expected to know their number bonds to 5, 10 and 20. The children should also be able to count in 2s, 5s and 10s both forwards and backwards. Children should be able to recognise half and quarter. This year we will be teaching maths using the Maths No Problem Scheme. Another meeting will be arranged to discuss this further.

9 Writing Handwriting –. The children should already be able to hold a pencil correctly. Please practise correct letter formation at home. Children must learn how to form their letters correctly, starting and finishing in the correct place.

10 Writing Children should be able to:
write a sentence using a capital letter and full stop. to use commas in a list use simple conjunctions such as ‘and’ and ‘because’ write both fiction and non-fiction pieces

11 Phonics In Year 1, phonics screening will take place. In order for children to demonstrate that they have met the expected standard in phonic decoding they have to score a minimum number of marks in the phonics screening check. At home allow them to play different phonics games and use different websites. e.g.

12 Homework Children will get homework every Friday. They need to bring their homework and spelling book back by Wednesday for it to be marked. Parents should support them with their homework, but please do not do it for them. Homework

13 Home reading books We will change children’s reading books weekly. We want them to read at home every day for at least 20 minutes. They don’t need to finish the book in one sitting. Read a few pages every day and try to understand the meaning of different words. Please read to your child at home.

14 Library We strongly encourage you to join the local library. Every 2 weeks the children will be visiting the school library. They will borrow a book each time and take it home. Please make sure the children look after those books and bring them back to school on time.

15 Thank you for coming to our meeting

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