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Infant Halloween Disco

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1 Infant Halloween Disco
Thursday 19th October To celebrate Halloween and the end of a long half term, there will be a Spooky Halloween Disco on Thursday 19th October. Infant Disco:4.30pm pm for children in Reception,Years 1 and 2 (Children in nursery can attend this session if they are accompanied by an adult) Your child can come in fancy dress if they wish. There will be prizes for the best dressed and best dancers! There is an entry charge of £3:00 per child (this includes a hotdog and drink), payable in advance with the consent form below which we ask you to return by Friday 13th of October in a sealed envelope with their name and class on. The teachers will keep a list of all reply slips and monies received and the MPSA will keep a list of all attendees. INFANT HALLOWEEN DISCO ENTRANCE REQUEST SLIP – TO BE RETURNED TO CLASS TEACHER WITH PAYMENT BY FRIDAY 13th OCTOBER I give permission for: Class  to attend the Infant Halloween Disco on Thursday 19th October  I will collect my child at 5:30pm or they will be collected by I enclose payment of £3. Any food allergies or special dietary requirements Parent/Carer Date Phone number:…………………………………………………

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