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Avoiding Dangers to the Baby

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1 Avoiding Dangers to the Baby

2 Effects of Alcohol and Other Drugs on Pregnancy
The mother-to-be has a big responsibility throughout her pregnancy She must do everything possible to increase the chances of having a healthy baby She needs to consider effects of her actions on her unborn child An essential part of good prenatal care is avoiding hazards such as alcohol and other drugs, smoking, X-rays, hazardous chemicals, and other substances, and infections

3 Alcohol Anything the mother consumes or inhales is passed directly to her child through the placenta- including alcohol Even a small amount of alcohol can harm the developing systems of the baby There is no known safe amount of alcohol that pregnant woman can drink Abstaining from alcohol will prevent any negative effects on the baby related to alcohol

4 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Found in some children of mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy Problems can include: delayed physical growth; heart, liver, or kidney defects; hyperactivity; and facial deformity Some babies with FAS are mentally retarded May have difficulties with learning, attention, memory, or problem solving Fetal alcohol effects are abnormalities cause by the mother consuming alcohol during pregnancy These children suffer from the same problems of FAS but to a lesser degree The extent of damage to the child is often directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy

5 Prescription Drugs and Over-the-Counter Drugs
An expectant mother should check with her doctor every time she considers using any type of medication or vitamin The first three months of pregnancy are the most critical because the baby’s body systems, including the brain, are being formed The chemicals found in some medications can cause severe harm, including mental retardation In the 4-9 month of pregnancy, harmful substances may cause slow growth or infections A pregnant woman can take certain prescriptions as long as her doctor prescribes them and she takes them correctly Medications that are not necessary should be avoided

6 Caffeine Caffeine is in the beverages many people drink each day, such as coffee, tea, cocoa, and most soft drinks Caffeine passes easily from a mother to her fetus through placenta Caffeine can increase fetal heart rate and movement Small amounts of caffeine such as a cup of soft drinks per day do not appear to pose great pregnancy There is an increased risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight and infant death

7 Tobacco Smoking has been shown to cause low birth weight
The more a women smokes, the smaller her baby is likely to be at birth Link to respiratory infections and allergies among children after they are born

8 Illegal Drugs Includes cocaine, marijuana, and other illegal substances A mother who is addicted to a drug usually passes the addiction on to her baby All drugs are in the mother’s bloodstream and pass through the placenta to the baby Right after birth, infant with an inherited drug addiction must go through a painful period of withdrawal Many of these children have learning or behavior issues Marijuana is linked to low birth weight and premature delivery Recent studies show that babies of women who take ecstasy are likely to be born with heart disease or a physical abnormality

9 Illegal Drugs- Cocaine
Cocaine may cause the unborn child to have a stroke which can lead to brain damage, serious birth defects, or death Cause tremors, sleep and feeding difficulties, irritability, and developmental delays All of these problems persist into the school years SIDS- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Sudden or unexpected death of a baby before age 1

10 Environmental Hazards
X-Rays Radiation can cause birth defects If an X-ray is necessary due to an accident or illness, you should inform the doctors that you are pregnant Hazardous Substances and Chemicals A pregnant woman must be careful about hazardous substances in her home and work Ex: Paint, pesticides, lead, carbon monoxide, mercury

11 Diseases and Infections
Rubella The infection can cause severe birth defects, especially in the first three months Blindness, deafness, heart disease and mental retardation Toxoplasmosis Infection cause by a parasite 60 million people in the U.S. carry the parasite, but most have a strong enough immune system to keep from feeling ill Blindness, hearing loss, and learning disabilities Can cause miscarriage or stillbirth

12 Diseases and Infections
Chicken Pox In the first half of pregnancy, the baby has a risk of getting congenital varicella Can cause scarring of the skin, limb defects, and eye problems AIDS 35-65% risk that the virus will be passed on to the baby AIDS attacks the brain, and infected babies are often born with mental retardation Mothers can take medication to reduce the chance of the baby being infected with the virus

13 Diseases and Infections
Genital Herpes If a mother develops her first genital herpes infection during her pregnancy, the risk to the infant is greater Can cause the infant to be born with a brain infection or mental retardation In most cases, the infection is transmitted to the newborn during the birth process Syphilis Can cause skin rash, bone or facial deformities, deafness, or brain damage Two in five pregnancies with untreated syphilis end in miscarriage, stillbirth, or the baby dies shortly after birth

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