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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.

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1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 1 Define inflation

3 2 State two possible economic effects of rising price inflation on the Irish economy

4 What economic uses are made of a Consumer Price Index?
3 What economic uses are made of a Consumer Price Index? (Outline two)

5 What does the CPI measure?
4 What does the CPI measure?

6 How can inflation be reduced?
5 How can inflation be reduced?

7 Give two reasons for your answer
6 How accurate is the CPI? Give two reasons for your answer

8 Define “cost-push” inflation, how might it be caused.
7 Define “cost-push” inflation, how might it be caused.

9 Define deflation. Outline one reason why it might be caused.
8 Define deflation. Outline one reason why it might be caused.

10 9 In composite price index each good is assigned a “weight”. What does the weight reflect?

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