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World Population Migration.

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1 World Population Migration

2 Migration The balance between arrivals in to a country and departures from a country impacts on change in population.

3 Immigration and Emigration
Immigration refers to the movement of people in to a country Canada's Syrian refugee plan 'troubling' if it excludes men Emigration refers to movement out of a country.

4 Why do people leave their home country and move to another?
Push and pull factors Push makes a person want to leave: lack of employment, poor education system, lack of democracy Pull factors are those advantageous conditions in the receiving country make a person want to go there: good social programs, clean environment, or joining friends and family who have already emigrated.

5 Immigrants Refugees-defined by the UN as someone whose reasons for moving are genuinely to do with fear of persecution or death. Asylum seeker- a person who seeks to gain entry to another country by claiming to be a victim of persecution, hardship or some other compelling circumstance.

6 Where have recent new Canadians immigrated from?

7 Countries create immigration policies
1. If Canada has a low birth rate, and still wants to grow, what kind of immigration policies do you think we should enact?(3pts) Remember the Canada 100 Million Video Also consider the Syrian refugees

8 Countries create immigration policies
2. Where have many recent Canadians immigrated from? Provide a brief summary based on the stats Canada web site including some numbers (3pts) 3. Describe and list a few places where many immigrants settle within Canada. (3pts) 4. Do you agree or not with some of the views discussed on the Canada 100 Million documentary? EX: Should new immigrants be told where to settle within Canada? Why or why not (3pts)

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