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Productive Oceans and Land

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1 Productive Oceans and Land
Class Activity

2 The Land Apple is cut from top to bottom in 4 equal pieces
3 represent the Ocean and 1 represents the Land Divide your circle to represent this. Label 3 pieces “The Ocean” and 1 piece “The Land”

3 The Land Cut the 1 piece of apple (the land) into two equal pieces from top to bottom. 1 piece is land that is “too hot, too dry, too wet, too cold, too high” to live on. On your circle divide your “Land” in half. Label one piece by drawing a human with an X through it and the other with a human on it, call this “habitable land”.

4 The Land Now take the “Habitable Land” piece and divide it into 4 equal pieces, cutting from top to bottom. One of these pieces represent “Productive Land” On the circle divide the “Habitable Land” into 4 equal pieces. Color one of these pieces and label it “All Our Food”

5 The Land Take the “Productive Land Piece” and cut off the thinnest slice you can. This represent 3/100 of 1% of the earth’s surface. This is our “Drinkable Water” On the circle represent the “Drinkable Water” with a dot. Label this on the circle

6 The Ocean Take 1 of the 3 pieces representing the Ocean and cut it in half from top to bottom. One of these pieces represents “Productive Ocean” On the circle cut one ocean piece in half and on 1 piece label it “Productive Ocean” and draw a fish on this piece.

7 The Ocean Cut the “Productive Ocean” piece into four equal parts form top to bottom. These represent the four major “up welling zones” in the ocean. On the circle divide the “Productive Ocean” into four equal parts, color 1 of these parts and label it “ Up welling off North America”

8 The Ocean From an up welling piece cut off the thinnest slice possible. This slice represents 1/100 of 1% of the earth surface. This is the “Photic Zone” the top 300 feet of the ocean which light can penetrate. Represent the “Photic Zone” with a dot on the up welling zone in North America. Label it.

9 Productive Ocean and Land Resources
Look at the two tiny slices of apple. One represents the resources necessary for life on land and the other represents the resource necessary for life in the ocean. How are these two areas being impacted or affected by humans?

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