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Completing the Siena College Assessment Report
Sponsored by the Student Learning Assessment Committee (SLAC) May 31, :00 p.m., Standish Library, L29
Siena College Assessment Report
Exercise Take a minute to read the diagram below How familiar is this to you? What are the first thoughts that come to mind? 1. Major/Program Student Learning Outcomes Student will be able to... 2. Phase Check all that apply 3. Assessment Procedures (Planning/ determining) 4. Assessment Results (Collecting/ analyzing) 5. Use of Results (Discussing/ using results) 6. Determining if changes impacted student learning 1. Enter your first student learning outcome in this box. Check the appropriate box to the right Planning/ determining procedures (Col. 3) Collecting/ analyzing (Col. 3,4) Discussing/ using results (Col. 4,5) Determining if Assessment had an Impact on Student Learning (Col. 6)
Siena College Assessment Report
The Siena College Assessment Report is now being collected through Process Maker Submission of your report through this method gives you more flexibility in how you record and use your assessment reports Each year, you will be able to either add to your previous report or edit a previous report to contain your current year data The step-by-step process reviewed here will also be available online
Siena College Assessment Report
When you log-in to Process Maker, the top of the screen will look like this
Siena College Assessment Report
The first step is to choose the academic year for your current entry. This ensures that when you save your report, it is saved under that year.
Siena College Assessment Report
Next, choose your school, the degree type, and the program name. Once you have chosen your school and degree, only programs of that type will appear in the drop-down list. If you don’t find your program, please contact OIE.
Siena College Assessment Report
Now you can pull up a previous year’s report. You can edit your last report, and populate the report with only this year’s data, or you can add to what is already there, if you prefer to have both years in the same report. When you save the document, it will save under the year you entered previously (step 1)
Siena College Assessment Report
If you have past years’ reports, your program mission should already be entered in your report. Make sure you choose the right number of assessments in the drop down box. This will give you the right number of rows in the table.
Siena College Assessment Report
For each assessment indicated in the drop down box, a row like the one below will appear in the table. The student learning outcome being assessed should appear in the first box of column 1.
Siena College Assessment Report
1. Student Learning Outcomes Most of your outcomes will have already been entered. If there are changes to wording, you can make them here. If you have new outcomes, add lines for those outcomes. If you are dropping an outcome, please make a note of that. What are students expected to learn? What are the four/five “large themes” regarding student learning for your program?
Siena College Assessment Report
Once your outcome is entered, check the phase of assessment you are currently in. If you check planning, you will see the following: The Assessment Results box will not be available for data entry.
Siena College Assessment Report
2. Phase: Check all that apply Planning/ Determining procedures (Col. 3) Planning/ Redesigning based on past assessment (Col. 3) Collecting/ analyzing (Col. 3, 4) Discussing/ using results (Col. 4, 5) Determining if Assessment Use had an Impact on Student Learning (Col. 6) Objective not assessed this year Check boxes All assessments should NOT be in planning phase Usually, your assessment phase this year would be one phase ahead of where you were last year
Siena College Assessment Report
Your method of assessment is entered in Col. 3. The text boxes allow you to explain your assessment method and sample. You are also asked about when and how frequently this assessment occurs.
Siena College Assessment Report
You will also be asked to establish a criteria for demonstrating that the program outcome has been met. The Criteria box is located in Column 1, under the outcome statement. What is the minimum level that demonstrates learning? (ex. 80% correct, 3 on rubric criteria) What percentage of students achieved that level (ex. 80% students will achieve #1.)
Siena College Assessment Report
As your proceed with your assessment, you will have results. Check collecting/ analyzing to enter results: Your results will go in column 4. In the drop-down box below the results box, “Learning Outcome Met?” chose yes or no
Siena College Assessment Report
What to Include in Assessment Results How did your students do on their test/paper/presentation/etc.? Are your students learning? Is their level of proficiency acceptable? Indicate percent of students who met criteria (ex. 75% students achieved 3 or better on rubric criteria) If criteria was met, indicate that Learning Outcome was met Small programs may need additional time to collect adequate data – if this applies to you, please make a note in the results box
Siena College Assessment Report
The next step in the process is to explain or discuss how your program intends to use the information you have collected. To open this dialog box, you have to check the “discussing/ using results box under “phase”
Siena College Assessment Report
Use of Results: Column 5 Learning Outcome Met - Great!!! Demonstrates relevance Affirms student learning Provides evidence of value Here, you can also discuss any changes you might want to make to improve your program, your results, or to give you more information Learning Outcome not Met What changes will be made to improve results? What can be done to adjust to changes in the field of study? Does assessment or criteria need to be revised? If so, how? Needed changes will most probably lead to new planning cycle
Siena College Assessment Report
Column 6: Determining if changes impacted student learning. Changes made, as discussed in Column 5, will take some time (maybe a year or two) to show an impact. Once the changes have been implemented and the assessment has been repeated, use Column 6 to track how those changes have impacted student learning. Was there an improvement? If so, describe If not, determine why? Also include what else will be done or additional changes that will be made
Siena College Assessment Report
As discussed in the previous slide, it will take some time before you know if your determined changed will have an impact. When you check the ”determining if assessment had an impact” box under “Phases”, the dialog box for that part of the report will be available for data entry.
Siena College Assessment Report
You will complete one row for each learning outcome assessment Some outcomes may have multiple assessments It is also the case that you may use the same assessment for multiple outcomes. If that is the case, please complete a row for each outcome, so that you can discuss the specific outcome as you move through the report
Siena College Assessment Report
Once you have finished entering all the information for each Assessment or Student Learning Objective, you have several options Send report to another person for review or approval Save your work as a draft and complete it at another time Submit your report
Siena College Assessment Report
The administrative report has a slightly different heading
Siena College Assessment Report
There are also slightly different columns Administrative goals/ objectives not always directly connected to SLO,s Goals/ objectives should be aligned to department and College mission
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When you submit your report, a notice of the submitted report and an attached PDF of the report I automatically sent to: OIE Your School’s Assessment Coordinator Your Department Chair The Dean of your School Your VPAA
Siena College Assessment Report
Review of Assessment Reports All submitted Assessment Reports are reviewed Six Criteria are used to assure that Assessment Reports are complete and appropriate Learning Goals Progress Alignment Criteria Usefulness Rigor When reviewing reports, reviewers are encouraged to use a rubric to guide their review
Siena College Assessment Report
Siena College Assessment Report
Criteria: Learning Goals Exemplary: ALL goals are appropriate for the program and level of study. Goals are clearly stated. Good: ALL goals are appropriate for the program and level of study. Goals are not necessarily clearly stated Needs Improvement: MOST goals are appropriate for the program and program’s level of study Insufficient: Goals are NOT appropriate for the program and program’s level of study
Siena College Assessment Report
Criteria: Progress Exemplary: Program has been conducting assessments for some time. ALL or most assessments have been through the Assessment Cycle(s); CLEAR that assessments for each student learning objective have been conducted and are ongoing Good: MOST but not all assessments have been through the Assessment Cycle(s); SOMEWHAT clear that assessments for each student learning objective have been conducted and are ongoing Needs Improvement: Only a FEW assessments conducted; LITTLE evidence that assessments have been conducted Insufficient: NO or few assessments conducted Only assessments identified are those planned Siena College Assessment Report
Siena College Assessment Report
Criteria: Alignment Exemplary: Alignment of assessments and student learning objectives are CLEAR for all student learning objectives. Assessment and results narratives are WELL connected. Good: Alignment of assessments and student learning objectives are clear for MOST student learning objectives. Assessment and results narratives are SOMEWHAT connected. Needs Improvement: Alignment of assessments and student learning objectives are NOT clear for MOST student learning objectives. Assessment and result narratives DON’T seem to be connected. Insufficient: Alignment of assessment and student learning objectives are NOT stated; Assessment and result narratives are NOT connected.
Siena College Assessment Report
Criteria: Established Criteria/ Targets Exemplary: ALL targets/criteria are stated for every student learning objective. Target includes both percent of population and competency level. Targets/Criteria is appropriate to assessment Good: Criteria are stated for every student learning objective Targets/criteria includes ONLY ONE of the following: (a) percent of population and (b) competency level. Targets/Criteria SEEMS to be appropriate to assessment Needs Improvement: Targets/Criteria are stated for SOME but not ALL student learning objectives. Target includes only one of the following: (a) percent of population and (b) competency level Targets/Criteria DO NOT seems to be appropriate to assessment Insufficient: Targets/Criteria are NOT stated AND/OR- Targets/Criteria are NOT appropriate to assessment
Siena College Assessment Report
Criteria: Usefulness Exemplary: Assessment results were used to make changes to programs or affirm quality; Changes CLEARLY align with assessment results. Changes led to improved student learning Good: Assessment results were used to make changes to programs or affirm quality. Changes SOMEWHAT align with assessment results. Not CLEAR if changes made improved student learning Needs Improvement: Assessment results are stated but not USED to make changes to the program. Insufficient: Assessment results are NOT stated
Siena College Assessment Report
Criteria: Rigor Exemplary: Assessment is appropriate for level of study. Target/Criteria is appropriate for level of study. Good: Assessment is SOMEWHAT appropriate for level of study; Targets/Criteria are SOMEWHAT appropriate for level of study Needs Improvement: Assessment is somewhat NOT appropriate for level of study. Target/Criteria is somewhat NOT appropriate for level of study. Insufficient: Assessment is NOT appropriate for level of study. Target/Criteria is NOT appropriate for level of study
Siena College Assessment Report
NEED HELP? Work with Assessment Coordinator in your School She/he: Is your mentor; understands your programs & associated issues Should be meeting with each department to review assessments Can help you identify best practices and model assessments Call OIE – Extension 4235 I can provide one on one assistance, although I may not be as familiar with your program as your School Assessment Coordinator.
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States New Requirements & Standards for Raises the bar: expects that institutions are doing/using assessment Not good enough to just plan or show slight progress Must show rigor Criteria must be appropriate Assessment part of ALL standards
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Requirements of Affiliation 8. The institution systematically evaluates its educational and other programs and makes public how well and in what ways it is accomplishing its purpose. 9. Student learning programs are characterized by rigor, coherence, and appropriate assessment of student achievement throughout educational offerings 10. Institutional planning integrates goals for academic and institutional effectiveness and improvement, student achievement of educational goals, student learning, and the results of academic and institutional assessments.
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Standards I. Mission and Goals: clearly defined mission and goals that are periodically evaluated 3. goals that focus on student learning and institutional improvement III. Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience: 2. student learning experiences that are designed, delivered, and assessed by the faculty 5. a general education program that (b) offers a curriculum designed so that students acquire and demonstrate essential skills 8. periodic assessment of the effectiveness of programs providing student learning opportunities Siena College Assessment Report
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Standard V. Educational Effectiveness Assessment: Assessment of students learning and achievement demonstrates that the institution’s students have accomplished education goals consistent with their program of study, degree level, the institution’s mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Standard V criteria includes: 1. Clearly stated educational goals at both the institution and degree /program levels which are: a. interrelated with one another b. connected to relevant educational experiences c. Interrelated with the institution’s mission
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Standard V criteria includes: 2. organized and systematic assessments a. Define meaningful curricular goals with defensible evaluation standards b. articulate how they prepare students c. support and sustain assessment of student achievement and communicate the results to stakeholders
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Standard V criteria includes: 3. consideration and use of assessment for the improvement of educational effectiveness a. assist students in improving learning b. improving pedagogy and curriculum d. planning, conducting, and supporting a range of professional development activities g. improving key indicators of success (ex. retention, graduation) h. Implementing other processes and procedures designed to improve educational programs and services 5. periodic assessment of the effectiveness of assessment processes used by the institution for the improvement of educational effectiveness Siena College Assessment Report
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Standards Standard VI : Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement: 1. institutional objectives, both institutional-wide and for individual units, that are clearly stated, assessed appropriately, linked to mission and goal achievement, reflect conclusions drawn from assessment results, and are used for planning and resource allocation. 2. clearly documented and communicated planning and improvement processes that provide for constituent participation and incorporate the use of assessment results strategies to measure and assess the adequacy and efficient utilization of institutional resources required to support the institution’s mission and goals 9. Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of planning, resource allocation, institutional renewal process, and availability of resources Siena College Assessment Report
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States Standard V criteria includes: 2. organized and systematic assessments a. Define meaningful curricular goals with defensible evaluation standards b. articulate how they prepare students c. support and sustain assessment of student achievement and communicate the results to stakeholders 3. consideration and use of assessment for the improvement of educational effectiveness a. assist students in improving learning b. improving pedagogy and curriculum d. planning, conducting, and supporting a range of professional development activities g. improving key indicators of success (ex. retention, graduation) h. Implementing other processes and procedures designed to improve educational programs and services 4. periodic assessment of the effectiveness of assessment processes used by the institution for the improvement of educational effectiveness VI. Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement: 1. institutional objectives, both institutional-wide and for individual units, that are clearly stated, assessed appropriately, linked to mission and goal achievement 2. clearly documented and communicated planning and improvement processes that provide for constituent participation measure and assess the adequacy and efficient utilization of institutional resources Siena College Assessment Report
Siena College Assessment Report
Middle States VII. Governance, Leadership, and Administration: 3. CEO ….responsible for establishing procedures for assessing the organizations efficiency and effectiveness 4. An administration possessing or demonstrating … systematic procedures for evaluating administrative using and for using assessment data to enhance operations 5. Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of governance, leadership, and administration. Each standard’s criteria includes periodic assessment
Siena College Assessment Report
Check out our Online Resources Assessment: affairs/offices/institutional-effectiveness/assessment1/ Assessment Repository: affairs/offices/institutional-effectiveness/assessment1/assessment- repository# - Requires a sign-in Assessment Instruments: SLAC: affairs/offices/institutional-effectiveness/assessment1/student- learning-assessment-committee/ Contact Information If you have any questions,
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