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Citadel Training Model for 2C

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1 Citadel Training Model for 2C
CTM 2-1

2 Training Objective Task: Understand how to apply the CTM as a secondclass cadet Condition: Given a block of instruction that includes a review and two case studies in a classroom environment Standard: As part of a group, correctly apply CTM to secondclass-specific scenarios

3 CTM Review 5 Steps of CTM Set expectations Build basic skills
Give feedback INPUT+ Follow through with consequences PRIDE Work for growth in others Ask cadets to explain what each step of CTM means. An example of each step follows on subsequent slides INPUT+ is Immediate; No name calling; Proper person; Uniquely specific; Talk behavior; plus end positively PRIDE is Progressive, Relevant, Immediate, Directed at behavior; Even handed

4 CTM and the Squad Sergeant at Morning Formation
Set expectations “Assembly is at 0708 so everyone must be in ranks, dressed and groomed according to the Blue Book at that time. Everyday I will be inspecting personal appearance and taking accountability.” Build basic skills Leading by example and “showing them, not telling them” Give feedback Use INPUT+ to quickly and professionally address both positive and negative behavior “Good looking shoes.” “You’re getting close to needing a haircut.” Follow through with consequences You don’t need to always write a PR, but using PRIDE, all unsatisfactory performance must be addressed or else you have created a new standard PRIDE requires “even-handed” consequences… the standards articulated in your “expectations” apply to everyone, not just knobs Work for growth in others Train your CPL to be ready to be a squad sergeant next year Leverage stronger members of your squad to help those needing improvement

5 The NCO Corps Secondclass cadets fill the NCO ranks within the South Carolina Corps of Cadets NCOs are called “the backbone of the Army” What does that mean and how does it apply to the SCCC? Although NCOs and Officers work together to accomplish the mission, there is an efficient division of labor that designates certain responsibilities as “NCO business” What responsibilities are traditionally considered “NCO business”?

6 “NCO Business” Taking care of subordinates
Individual and small team training (to include physical training) Maintenance and inspection of personnel and equipment Accountability Planning and conducting day-to-day unit operations within prescribed policies and directives Advising the commander on awards and punishments for enlisted soldiers

7 CTM and “NCO Business”: Where do they intersect?
Caring Training Maintenance and inspection Accountability Day-to-day unit operations Awards and punishments CTM Set expectations Build basic skills Give feedback Follow through with consequences Work for growth in others

8 Caring and Expectations
Caring does not mean babying subordinates, but it does mean knowing them as individuals, their needs, and their situations It means using that knowledge to create conditions for them that encourage success The trainer-trainee relationship under CTM is built on trust and that trust comes in part from knowing your leader cares about you CTM says, “I will be with you every step of the way, but I will not carry you. It is my job to train you so you can do it yourself.”

9 Caring and “Big A” Accountability
NCOs are concerned with both “little a” accountability (personally doing the right thing and personally being in the right place at the right time) and “big A” accountability (ensuring the well-being and success of everyone entrusted to the leader’s care) What are examples of a cadet squad sergeant executing Little a accountability? Big A accountability?

10 Practical Exercise #1 Divide up into the number of groups designated by the TAC Appoint a group leader, recorder, time keeper, spokesman, and devil’s advocate Take five minutes to develop how a squad sergeant applies “Big A” accountability to an upperclass squad member who is having academic difficulties Be prepared to report your results to the class

11 Training and Build Basic Skills
No one in the Army has more to do with training soldiers than NCOs NCOs are masters of the tasks the are responsible for and experts in training their subordinates to do the tasks they are responsible for NCO leaders using CTM lead by example and train by the “show them; don’t tell them” technique

12 Maintenance and Inspection, and Feedback
NCOs ensure the soldiers properly maintain their weapons, vehicles, and personal equipment, and then inspect those items to ensure they are up to standard NCOs use inspections to correct small problems before they become big ones NCOs inspect their soldiers daily When they find discrepancies, NCOs orient corrective action that is directed at the deficiency and is oriented on improving the soldier’s performance in the problem area; it is corrective, not punitive In CTM, such feedback is delivered using INPUT+. What does INPUT+ mean? INPUT+ is Immediate; No name calling; Proper person; Uniquely specific; Talk behavior; plus end positively

13 Practical Exercise #2 Divide up into the number of groups designated by the TAC Appoint a group leader, recorder, time keeper, spokesman, and devil’s advocate You are a squad sergeant Take seven minutes to apply CTM to a situation in which a knob in your squad is admitted to the infirmary Be prepared to report your results to the class Specifically address: What are the knob’s expectations of how his squad sergeant cares for him under these circumstances? What skills does a squad sergeant need to fulfill those expectations? How does the squad sergeant get feedback that the cadet’s needs are being met? What are the long-term consequences of the relationship between the knob and his squad sergeant if the squad sergeant visits him in the infirmary? If he doesn’t? How does how the squad sergeant treats the knob in this situation help the knob grow as a leader?

14 Open Discussion NCO business includes planning and conducting day-to-day unit operations within prescribed policies and directives What does this mean in the context of “the corps leading and commanding the corps?” What are the consequences of cadet NCOs taking or not taking this responsibility?

15 Conclusion Any ideas for improving this class?
Juniors have one more CTM LTP which is on-line, as well as numerous opportunities to practice CTM as NCOs

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