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Properties & Characteristics

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1 Properties & Characteristics
Material Classification Produced by Neil Liggett Properties & Characteristics

2 Properties & Characteristics
A historical perspective – Materials are very important in the development of human civilisation. So much so, their names are associated with history, i.e. Stone age, Bronze age, Iron age, etc.

3 Properties & Characteristics
Properties refers to what? Physical properties i.e. density, colour Mechanical properties i.e. ductility, elasticity Thermal properties i.e. thermal coefficient of expansion, conductivity Chemical properties i.e. corrosion/oxidation resistance Properties can be manipulated, through engineering processes

4 Properties & Characteristics
Each material possesses a structure, relevant properties, which dependent on the processing determines the performance. Performance Properties Structure Processing It is these 3 elements we must explore within this module

5 Properties & Characteristics
Material Properties include – Hardness – The ability to withstand abrasion & wear Toughness – The ability to withstand impact Ductility - Capable of being drawn out into wire Elasticity - property of a material which allows it to be restored to its original shape after distortion. Malleability - The ability of a material to be reshaped in all directions without cracking Strength (T & C) – Ability to resist deformation subject to loads Rigidity -Refers to inflexibility or resistance to change.

6 Properties & Characteristics
Manipulation of materials can offer a range of differing properties.

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