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Open Charm with the CBM Experiment
Volker Friese GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung H4F-Workshop “Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM” FIAS, Frankfurt, 26 May 2014
The CBM Physics Program
comprehensive program to explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter at highest net baryon densities and moderate temperatures: heavy-ion collisions from 2 – 45 GeV/nucleon at FAIR SIS100 2 to 14 GeV/nucleon for nuclei up to 29 GeV for protons SIS300: up to 45 GeV/nucleon for nuclei up to 90 GeV for protons Broad spectrum of observables: strangeness, flow, fluctuations, hypernuclei, low-mass dileptons, open charm, charmonia Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Experiment Set-up Electron + Hadron setup Muon setup STS+MVD RICH TRD
TOF ECAL PSD absorber + detectors STS+MVD Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
O. Linnyk et al., Nucl. Phys. A 786 (2007) 183
Why Open Charm with CBM? O. Linnyk et al., Nucl. Phys. A 786 (2007) 183 CBM p+A elementary cross section experimentally unknown no data in A+A below RHIC energies open / hidden charm seems promising observable to distinguish phases in-medium modification of D masses? Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Experimental challenges: Rare probes
particle multiplicity branching ratio min. bias Au+Au collisions at 25 AGeV (from HSD and thermal model) SPS Pb+Pb 30 A GeV STAR Au+Au sNN=7.7 GeV Punchline: Open access to rare probes by unprecedented interaction rates Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Experimental Task D Kππ Central Au+Au collision at 25AGeV
UrQMD + GEANT + CbmRoot D Kππ Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
The Workhorse: Silicon Tracking System
CBM’s main tracking detector large aperture from ~ center-of mass to beam rapidity polar angles: 2.5 deg < < 25 (35) deg redundant track point measurement 8 tracking stations space point resolution ~ 25 µm low material budget double-sided silicon microstrip sensors r/o electronics outside physics aperture; 0.3-1% X0 per tracking station radiation tolerant silicon sensors 1 m Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Detector performance simulations
detailed, realistic detector model based on tested prototype components CbmRoot simulation framework using Cellular Automaton / Kalman Filter algorithms track reconstruction efficiency momentum resolution Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Detection of Open Charm
The detection principle is decay topology (displaced vertex) The relevant variables are impact parameter of daughters at primary (event) vertex z-coordinate of pair vertex decay angle in pair rest frame impact parameter of pair momentum at primary vertex Note: flight path until decay only several 100 mum. D0 + K- p + pK b bK Lab CMpair vz * Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Detection of Open Charm: Impact Parameter
Primary tracks will point back to the event vertex; signal daughters will have non-vanishing impact parameter. Pairs from signal decays will predominantly be in different hemispheres in the target z-plane; hemisphere for primary tracks is random. Use signed product of impact parameters. schematically. only primary tracks Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Detection of Open Charm: Vertex Position
Construct the pair vertex (point of closest approach) Random background pairs from primary particles will be centered around primary vertex. Signal pair vertex will be distributed according to the decay law, folded with the D momentum distribution. Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Background Primary particles: reducible by precision vertexing
identification by TOF (in particular K) Particles from abundant weak decays (Λ). Reducible by: remove from combinatorics after positive identification as Λ daughter (inv. mass, Armenteros) The vertexing precision of the detector depends crucially on: resolution in coordinate space (needs pixel detector), material budget (minimise mutiple scattering) Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Particularities for CBM
Ratio of particles with open charm to bulk particles much smaller than at RHIC/LHC: background must be suppressed by many orders of magnitude. Needs very high precision and high statistics. Fixed target: Lorentz boost increases momentum and thus lifetime in lab frame. Easier decoupling from background. Detection down to pt = 0 possible. Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
What Detector is Needed?
Requirements: pixel detector with high resolution very low material budget fast (high rates) radiation hard (high rates, close to target) Our choice from the start: MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors) integrated electronics: very thin small pixel size not fast not particularly radiation hard, but huge progress in last years now almost the standard choice (STAR, ALICE upgrades) Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
The CBM Micro-Vertex Detector (MVD)
STS 2.5° 25° Beam Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Why We Invest in a MVD STS MVD resolution 20 / 120 mum 3 mum
mat. budget 1% X0 / layer 0.3% X0 / layer distance from target 30 –100 cm 5 – 20 cm rad. hardness + ~ r/o speed ++ - Primary vertex resolution; resolution for secondary vertices analog Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
CBM Data Taking The complexity of e.g., the open charm signature forbids conventional triggers. Self-triggered data will be reconstructed and analysed online in a computer farm (FLES). Needs precise and performant reconstruction software. Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Example: Particle finder
Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Secondary Vertex Resolution
Au+Au, 25A GeV Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Performance of open charm measurement
p+C collisions, 30 GeV (SIS100) 1012 centr. D0 Kπππ D Kππ Au+Au collisions, 25 AGeV (SIS300) D0 Kπππ D Kππ D0 Kπ Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Performance of open charm measurement
D0+D0 D++D- Ds+ c+ decay channel K-+ K-+ + K-K+ + p K-+ MHSD 1.5·10-4 4.2·10-5 5.4·10-6 MSM 8.2·10-4 8.4·10-5 1.4·10-4 4.9·10-4 BR(%) 3.8 9.5 5.3 5.0 geo. acc.(%) 29.2 40.1 32.8 71 z-resolution (m) 52 56 60 69 total eff. (%) 3.95 4.75 1.0 0.05 m (MeV/c2) ~11 S/B2 0.16/0.5 1.24/2.5 0.6 Yield/1012mb HSD 14k+41k 47k+89k 0.7k Yield/1012mb SHM 78k+225k 95k+179k 19k 3.2 k Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
CBM – Day One Modul 0 SIS100 Modul 1 CBM, APPA Modul 2 Super-FRS
Antiproton-target, CR, p-Linac, HESR Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
Rates and Prospects The MVD developed for day-1 CBM (SIS-100) will limit the Au+Au interaction rate to ~100 kHz. Sub-threshold open charm measurements at SIS-100 will be extremely challenging. The open charm programme of the first years of CBM will focus on p+A measurements (up to 30 GeV). The full open charm physics potential in A+A will open with SIS-300. Since the development of CMOS sensors is very rapid, a likely scenario is that for CBM at SIS-300, a new MVD based on improved detector technology will be deployed. SIS-300 SIS-100 D thresh. Heavy Flavour Physics with CBM V. Friese
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