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A Uni-bus Data Path Implementation for the SRC

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2 A Uni-bus Data Path Implementation for the SRC
The Data Path A Uni-bus Data Path Timing step Generator

3 Review

4 CS501 Advanced Computer Architecture
Lecture12 Dr.Noor Muhammad Sheikh

5 Data Path CONTROL

6 1. The Data Path The data path is the arithmetic organ of the von Neumann organization It consists of registers, internal buses, arithmetic units and shifters

7 2. A Unibus Data Path Implementation
General purpose registers (32-bits each) ALSU C A R0 R31 PC IR 32 lines <31..0> 2. A Unibus Data Path Implementation MAR MBR ADD SUB SHL Other ALSU functions Internal processor bus R1 To external CPU bus

8 3. Timing Step Generator In the next few slides, we will assume that there exists a “timing step generator” which provides mutually exclusive and sequential timing intervals These intervals will be called T0, T1, T2, …..

9 Timing Step Generator A possible implementation
A 3-to-8 decoder T0 T1 A 3-bit binary counter T2 T3 1 T4 2 T5 T6 T7 clear

10 Timing Step Generator Waveforms
Eight mutually exclusive time steps

11 Timing Step Generator Waveforms
If more time steps are required, then a counter with more bits and a larger decoder can be used, eg., a 4-bit counter along with a 4-to-16 decoder can produce up to 16 time steps

12 Structural RTL Describes how an operation is performed using a particular hardware implementation

13 Structural RTL for the sub instruction
Syntax: sub ra, rb, rc Step RTL T0 MAR PC, C PC + 4; T1 MBR M[MAR], PC C; T2 IR MBR; T3 A R[rb]; T4 C A - R[rc]; T5 R[ra] C; Instruction Fetch Instruction Execute At the end of each sequence, the timing step generator is initialized to T0

14 A Unibus Data Path Implementation
General purpose registers (32-bits each) ALSU C A R0 R31 PC IR 32 lines <31..0> A Unibus Data Path Implementation MAR MBR ADD SUB SHL Other ALSU functions Internal processor bus R1 Recall from previous slide To external CPU bus

15 Needed for the following instructions/operations
ALSU Functions Needed ALSU Function Needed for the following instructions/operations ADD add, addi, address calculation for disp and rel SUB sub NEG neg; applies to the B input of the ALSU AND and, andi OR or, ori NOT not; applies to the B input of the ALSU SHL shl SHR shr SHC shc SHRA shra C=B to load from the bus directly into C INC4 to increment the PC by 4; applies to the B input; assuming a barrel shifter with five n<4..0> signals available as well Use uppercase for control signals, because lowercase was used for mnemonics

16 A Unibus Data Path Implementation
General purpose registers (32-bits each) ALSU C A R0 R31 PC IR 32 lines <31..0> A Unibus Data Path Implementation MAR MBR ADD SUB SHL Other ALSU functions Internal processor bus R1 Question: What will be the implications if the connection between register C and the internal processor bus is bi-directional ? (one would like to have such a connection to avoid loading C through the ALSU) Recall from previous slide To external CPU bus

17 Structural RTL for the add instruction
Syntax: add ra, rb, rc Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A R[rb]; T4 C A + R[rc]; T5 R[ra] C; other instructions that will have similar tables are: and, or, sub

18 Structural RTL for the not instruction
Syntax: not ra, rb Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 C !(R[rb]); T4 R[ra] C; another instruction that will have similar table is: neg

19 Structural RTL for the addi instruction
Syntax: addi ra, rb, c2 Step RTL T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A R[rb]; T4 C A + c2(sign extend); T5 R[ra] C; Sign extension for 17-bit c2 is the same as : (15αIR<16> ©IR<16..0>) Sign extension for 22-bit c1 is the same as : (10αIR<21> ©IR<21..0>) other instructions that will have similar tables are: andi, ori

20 RTL for the ld and st instructions
Syntax: ld ra, c2(rb) Syntax: st ra, c2(rb) Step RTL for Id RTL for st T0-T2 Instruction fetch T3 A ((rb = 0) : 0, (rb ≠ 0): R[rb]); A ((rb = 0): 0, (rb ≠ 0): R[rb]); T4 C A + (15αIR<16> ©IR<16..0>); C A + (15αIR<16> ©IR<16..0>); T5 MAR C; MAR C; T6 MBR M[MAR]; MBR R [ra]; T7 R[ra] MBR; M[MAR] MBR; ld and st are the same up to step T5 sign extension Note that (15αIR<16> ©IR<16..0>) is the same as (16αIR<16> ©IR<15..0>)

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