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Parallel sessions so far a preliminary proposal from EPS-HEPP suggested to organise 5 half days with 8 rooms in parallel for a total of 39 session:

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel sessions so far a preliminary proposal from EPS-HEPP suggested to organise 5 half days with 8 rooms in parallel for a total of 39 session:"— Presentation transcript:

1 REPORT from EPS 2017 LOC Status Parallel sessions From LOC to EPS HEPP board

2 Parallel sessions so far a preliminary proposal from EPS-HEPP suggested to organise 5 half days with 8 rooms in parallel for a total of 39 session: 1. Astroparticle Physics x 2 e.g. AMS, HESS, CAT, ICE CUBE, AUGER, … 2. Cosmology, Dark Energy, Gravitational Waves x 2 3. Dark Matter x 2 e.g. Collider and Direct DM searches 4. Neutrino Physics x 4 e.g. Mass, mixing, hierarchy, cross sections 5. Heavy Ion Physics x 4 6. Flavour Physics and Fundamental Symmetries x 4 7. Higgs and New Physics x 6 e.g. H Boson measurements, extension of scalar sector, SUSY, exotica 8. QCD and hadronic physics x 4 e.g. spectroscopy, jets, parton distributions, etc. 9. Top and Electroweak Physics x 4 10. Detector R&D and Data Handling x 3 11. Accelerators for HEP x 1 12. Quantum Field and String Theory x 1 13. Outreach, Education, and Diversity x 2 However, we notice that in the proposal the Higgs-New Physics session has 6 subsessions. Since this would imply a very problematic situation with the Higgs-New Physics Topic divided in two sub-parallel sessions in one of the 5 half days, we propose the following scheme:

3 Some flexibility on the room occupation can be considered after abstract submission

4 Parallel sessions: scientific secretary list
Astroparticle Physics Michele Doro Cosmology, Dark Energy, Gravitational Waves Livia Conti Dark Matter Caterina Braggio Neutrino Physics Chiara Sirignano Heavy Ion Physics Andrea Dainese Flavour Physics and Fundamental Symmetries Martino Margoni Higgs and New Physics Roberto Rossin QCD and Hadronic Physics Pierpaolo Mastrolia Top and Electroweak Physics Patrizia Azzi Detector R&D and Data Handling Enrico Conti Accelerators for HEP Marco Zanetti Quantum Field and String Theory Luca Martucci Outreach, Education, and Diversity Sofia Talas Experienced Physicists, all involved in the corresponding topics. They accepted to collaborate with the conveners and to help the LOC in interacting with them. The full list of Conveners + Scientific Secretary is ready to be published in the WEB page (just waiting for the formal approval) Accettati, lista pubblica !!!

5 From the web site: Important dates
First circular & website: 23 October 2016 Registration & abstract submission opens: 16 January 2017 * Abstract submission deadline: T.B.D LOC proposal: not later than 15 April Second Circular: T.B.D LOC proposal: as ... Abstract acceptance: T.B.D not later than 10 May Early registration deadline: 15 May 2017 Conference: 5-12 July 2017 Proceedings submission deadline: 30 September 2017 Date accettate, da inserire nel sito !!! LOC recommendation: try to register and to book hotel as soon as possible NB: Hotel booking devoted to the single participant (Hotel lists on the site and/or usual Hotel booking sites)

6 Other points Dedicated transports from Venice to the venue will be organized Dedicated Bus from Lido Hotels to the venue will be available The organization of the Conference Press Office will be taken by central INFN Communication Office. Contacts with other communication offices ( CERN, etc…) already taken. A meeting with LOC foreseen on 13 Dec. 2016 Sponsorship procurement from IOP directly taken by EPS. Eventually, incomes will be subtracted from 30K€ LOC contribution to EPS-HEPP Important administrative point: for the contribution we need to clarify the details of the payment: type of invoice, VAT etc.. We must have an administrative counterpart. Nessuna obiezione, speriamo ci mandoi il fac simile della fattura a Vienna e l’indirizzo della segretaria EPS!!!

7 Stato iscrizioni on-line (16 gennaio)
Premessa: le date approvate vanno rispettate. Ciò comporta tra l’altro….. iscrizioni on-line (16 gennaio) abstract on line (16 Gennaio. NB divisione per sessioni) estensione contratto con Vela ( vedi proposta di Luisa) trasporti contratto con Excelsior piano per connessioni WiFi mailing lists Conference Press Office ( vedi sopra). Lettera a convener/secientific secretary Altri punti discussi in dettaglio (vedi sotto)

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