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Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

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Presentation on theme: "Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Period One

2 No rules have no draw. (没有规矩,无以成方圆.)

3 Harry He can drive his new car in the street.
He can drive his new car in the streets now. He is allowed to drive his car because he has got his driver’slicense . (被允许) Because he has just got his driver’s license . Harry

4 Can you drive a car in the street?
People can driver cars if they have driver’s lincenses. Can you drive a car in the street? You are not allowed to drive a car in the street because you have no driver’s license. My father … because… . My mother…because… .

5 John just got his driver’s license..
So And he wants to take his friends Anna and Gaby to the mall. he is allowed to driver.

6 Gaby Anna

7 Gaby She gets her ears pierced. She wears earrings . silly earrings

8 School rules Can students wear earrings at our school ?
Students are not allowed to wear earrings at our school. 被允许 We are allowed to … . We are not allowed to … . School rules

9 Teenagers should be allowed to wear earrings.
Some students think Teenagers should be allowed to wear earrings. 应该被允许 Agree or disagree?

10 Read the statements in 1a, do you agree or disagree
Read the statements in 1a, do you agree or disagree? Circle “A” (for agree) or “D”( for disagree). A D 1.Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends every night. A D 2.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. A D 3.Students should not be allowed to have part time jobs. A D 4.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. A D 5.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

11 1b Listen and circle “T” or “F”.
1. Anna can go to the mall with John T F 2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced T F 3. Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes T F

12 Answer Anna isn’t allowed to go in John’s car. What’s mother’s reason?
“ I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. They’re not serious enough at that age.”

13 Pairwork 1c A: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds Reasons:
should be allowed to drive. B: I agree. They aren’t serious enough. (OR) I disagree. I think they’re old Reasons: too wild too young too silly(傻) not serious enough not old enough not calm enough

14 Larry has a part-time job.
He works at night. What you think

15 2a Listen and check () what Kathy thinks. Circle “Agrees”, “Disagrees”, or “Doesn’t know” to show what Molly thinks. Kathy Molly 1. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to work at night. 2. Larry shouldn’t work every night. 3. He should cut his hair. 4. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 5. He doesn’t seem to have many friends. 6. He shouldn’t work on weekends. Agrees Disagrees Doesn’t know

16 4 5 2 3

17 Too strict! Family Rules 1. Get up at 5:30.
2. Wear school uniforms every day. 3. You can watch TV while having dinner. 4. You must study till 11pm. 5. You can drink coke every day. 6. You can have long hair. 7. Never work on the Internet. 8. Don’t chat with friends for long on the phone. But you can take the mobile phone to school.

18 Too strict! Family Rules He should be allowed to …
1. Get up at 5:30. 2. Wear school uniforms every day. 3. You can watch TV while having dinner. 4. You must study till 11pm. 5. You can drink coke every day. 6. You can have long hair. 7. Never work on the Internet. 8. Don’t chat with friends for long on the phone. But you can take the mobile phone to school. He should be allowed to … He should not be allowed to… .

19 Homework: Write down what you think teenagers should be allowed to
do and should not be allowed to do and the reasons of your ideas 2. Do a survey: Ask your parents about their ideas about the state- ments in 1a,and their reasons then report tomorrow.

20 Discussion Task: Hello, I’m an editor of School magazine. We
know more and more students like to work on the Internet. What do you think of it? Should be allowed or not ? Please write to and tell me what you think.

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