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Opening up….. to social media

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Presentation on theme: "Opening up….. to social media"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening up….. to social media
Karen Kelly Web Team

2 Remember this?

3 What did this mean? School closures Gritting Service disruptions
Facility closures Bin collections missed Events cancelled

4 What happened next?

5 How did this work? Access to social media needed
One person dealing with all posts/enquiries Information coming in from a wide range of staff members, including Head Teachers Became a full time job!

6 Our audience By end 2010 (accounts had been active for 4 weeks):
Over 9,000 fans and followers combined on Facebook and Twitter Over 6,000 questions posted and answered Evenly split between male/female Majority of Facebook fans between 25 – 44 years old

7 Facebook activity

8 Changes since the early days

9 How we do this Close working with services Automated feeds set up
Rota in place within Web Team Policy/guidance developed Network of moderators Links with contact centre/communications Report monthly statistics

10 The future Moving from broadcasting to real interaction - financial value, belonging, info/updates People rate services highly but say councils are remote and impersonal - does social media and networking offer a solution? Tapping into ‘belonging’ and connecting with people in new ways so they can shape their local areas and services.

11 Have a look for yourself!

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