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y sus aplicaciones ambientales

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1 y sus aplicaciones ambientales
Sistemas de secreción y sus aplicaciones ambientales

2 Structure of gram-negative cell wall

3 The envelope of a Gram negative bacterium

4 The biological roles of the bacterial secretion systems
Adhesion: fimbriae, OM adhesins Cell motility: flagella Horizontal gene transfer: conjugative pili Colonization: toxins, colicins, proteases Virulence: type III secretion systems Bacterial resistance: antibiotics, organics, heavy-metals

5 Gram negative secretion systems
Special Machinery Heterologous secretion Name Example Signals Function E. coli Haemolysin Type I C-end 3 Toxins (RTX) Yes K. oxytoca Pullulanase Type II Enzymes Difficult N- C-ends > 12 Y. enterocolitica Yops N- and mRNA > 14 Inject proteins Difficult Type III Inject proteins and DNA A. tumefaciens VirB Difficult Type IV N- ? > 10 Proteases, Toxins, Adhesins ATs N. gonorroheae IgA protease Yes N- C-ends 1

6 Bacteria Bacterial secretion/display of heterologous proteins Sec OMPs
Fimbriae Bacteria

7 Bacterial secretion and display of proteins
OMPs (LamB), Lpp-ompA hybrids, Ice-nucleation protein, ATs. Vector systems: Pili and flagella. Secretion systems: type I Applications: Live vaccines. Bioremediation (pesticides, heavy metals). Altered adherence (biofilms, targeting).

8 1- Surface Display of proteins Engineering bacterial consortia
using the autotransporter domain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae IgA protease: Engineering bacterial consortia

9 Can we make an artificial bacterial consortium?
Bacterium A Interaction domain OM anchor Bacterium B

10 Leucine zippers as dimerization domains

11 Neisseria gonorrhoeae IgA protease
Periplasm Cytoplasm OM IM

12 The b barrel structure of OM proteins

13 Expression of leucine zippers on the surface of E. coli
Fosb Junb kDa Plac SP 200 igAb 97 66 L L L L L 31

14 Expression of leucine zippers on the surface of E. coli
Control Fosb Junb

15 Cell aggregation studies
Fosb Junb Fosb+ Junb

16 Floculation in liquid culture
Fosb Junb Fosb+ Junb

17 Virus neutralisation with single-chain antibodies
2- Secretion of active proteins using the E. coli haemolysin transporter system: Virus neutralisation with single-chain antibodies

The mucosal body surface represents ~ 400 m2 vs ~1.8m2 of skin Over 90% infections are initiated at the mucosa There is a specialized mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) Attenuated mucosal pathogens can be used to target MALT

19 HOST EPITHELIUM The gut epithelium as the port of entry of TGEV
viruses viruses viruses HOST EPITHELIUM

viruses neutralizing Ab BACTERIA HOST EPITHELIUM

21 The structure of antibodies and scFvs

22 E. Coli haemolysin translocator

23 Crystal structure of TolC

24 TolC has a 3.5 nm-diameter internal cavity

25 Secretion of scFvs using the E. coli hly system

26 Secretion of scFvs using the E. coli hly system

27 ScFvs-secreted by the Hly system are active

28 TGEV neutralization in vitro by
E. coli secreted scFv

29 Conclusions Secreted scFv-HlyA is oxidized and active
The scFv domain does not appear to be oxidized spontaneously Neither Dsbs nor Trxs are involved in oxidation of scFv-HlyA Intracellular scFv-HlyA is in a reduced form Intracellular scFv-HlyA is rapidly degraded unless secreted TrxB mutation inhibits secretion of scFv-HlyA by an unknown mechanism

30 3- Engineering E. coliI type I fimbriae:
Redirecting bacterial adhesion


32 Escherichia coli Type I fimbriae

33 Agglutination of yeast cells
HB2151 HB101(pFH35) HB101 (pFH35, pPKL115) + mannose

34 Eukaryotic cell adhesion assay: Probing FimH binding specificity
Eukaryotic cells (NRK or HeLa) -Innoculation with E. coli transformed with different plasmids -Incubation at 37ºC for 2 h -Washes -Only fimbriated bacteria displaying adhesin will adhere to eukaryotic cells


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