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Lesson 14: Review.

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1 Lesson 14: Review

2 Preparing for a Job Interview
Last Week’s Homework: Preparing for a Job Interview Prepare answers for each of the most common interview questions, and practice speaking. Tell me about yourself. Why do you want to work here? What do you consider to be your greatest strengths? What do you consider to be your greatest weakness? What are your career goals? What are your future plans? Describe a work situation and how you solved the problem. What have you learned from your past jobs/projects? Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?

3 Job Interview Activity:
Groups of 4 people: take turns being the interviewer (1 interviewer and 3 interviewees) Interviewer chooses 2 questions to ask the 3 interviewers. Based on the interviewee responses, the interviewer will choose and hire 1 of them. Change interviewers, and choose 2 different questions to ask.

4 This Week’s Homework Preparing for Oral Exam Part 1
Asking for and Giving Directions, Culture Questions, Job Interviews Preparing for Oral Exam Part 2 Jazz chants, “One fish, two fish” June 9 (补June 11): Oral exam part 1 (30%) – please come only at your assigned time June 18: Oral exam part 2 - Jazz chants; One fish, two fish; (10%) – please come at the beginning of class

5 Oral Exam Schedule: Class 7, June 18
8:00-8:20 刘若华 Rosy 黄幼芳Right 张欣颖Singing 陈馨怡Celine 王诘Lindy 8:20-8:35 洪颖颖 Christina 李小云Candy 蔡玉桑Sang 蔡燕秋Ann 8:35-8:50 连萍Lamp 黄丹丹Sofie 刘婉贞Vera 丁炎珠July 8:50-9:05 林丽君 Jane 王月华Fiona 徐海英Helen 林达Van 9:05-9:20 卢印毫Lizzie 杨媛媛Seven 王秀颖Wings 李中涵Sam 9:20-9:35 游涵蕾Small 姚素玲Sue 蓝莹芳Yvonne 支丽虹Dreamy

6 Oral Exam Schedule: Class 5, June 18
2:00-2:15 高扬Kinnie 郑雅雯Rebecca 周婷婷Tammy 沈灿坤David 2:15-2:30 许杨洋Ivy 陈梦怡Alice 李孟遥Emily 陈荧秋Mac 2:30-2:45 吴郁婕Christie 苏雅红Sunny 王佩琪Page 王欢Joice 2:45-3:00 郑沛珏 Penny 王琪毅Maggie 何紫云Jean 3:00-3:15 任尾红Candice 王琳Candice 高煜炜Yvec 3:15-3:30 林文思Vincy 林凯薇Cathy 刘鑫源Shawn

7 Oral Exam Schedule: Class 2, June 18
3:50-4:05 朱舒婷Sudie 沈佳颖Sarah 薛秀华Vita 刘诗绵Candice 4:05-4:20 翁琴Vicky 李瞳Dawn 潘霖Penny 钟振宇Peter 4:20-4:35 郑裕香Alin 严婕潇Sylvia 张璐Deer 高素琴Fannie 4:35-4:50 林婷Connie 孙婧Sunny 曾瑢Easy 杨绪婷Joy 4:50-5:05 陈雅萍Lila 黄颖Haylee 阿斯古丽Ice Cream 杨宇Charlotte 5:05-5:20 林碧云Shelly 康益梅Karan 林珊玲Maggie 邵宇新Dick

8 Jazz Chants

9 Jazz Chant: Well, He Eats Like a Pig
he can’t get enough. He works like a dog, he looks real tough. He smokes like a chimney, four packs a day. He sleeps like a log, what more can I say? He drinks like a fish, scotch on the rocks. When he gets real mad, he hardly talks. He cries like a baby when he’s feeling sad. He’s the dearest friend I’ve ever had.

10 Jazz Chant: What are you going to do at two?
Where are you going to be at three? Where are you going to be? Who are you going to see? What are you going to say? How are you going to go? Where are you going to stay? When are you going to leave?

11 Jazz Chant: Meet me in the Morning
Meet me at noon. Meet me in September, or the middle of June. Meet me at midnight. Meet me in the hall. Meet me in the summer. Meet me in the fall. Meet me in the evening. Meet me at eight. I’ll meet you anytime you want but please, don’t be late.

12 “One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish”
Black fish, blue fish Old fish, new fish This one has a little star This one has a little car. Say! What a lot of fish there are. Yes. Some are red. And some are blue. Some are old. And some are new. Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad. Some are thin. And some are fat. The fat one has a yellow hat. From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.


14 Directions, Culture Questions, Job Interviews

15 Asking Directions Excuse me… Where is (the train station)? Pardon me,…
Could/Can you direct me to (the train station)? Could/Can you tell me the way to (the train station)? Could/Can you tell me how to get to (the train station)? How do I get to (the train station)? What (number) bus can I take to go to (the train station)?

16 Giving Directions To tell people the way:
It’s _________________________ (the train station) (near / across from / behind / in front of / next to / beside) Go straight. Turn left/right at the (first/second) street/traffic light Cross/go across the road Go over/under the bridge Go along the street Go past (the post office) Come with me, I’ll show you the way.

17 Giving Directions (cont.)
To identify the place: It’s the (first) street It’s the (first) on the left/right It’s on the left/right hand side of the road To tell people distances: How far is it (from here)? How long will it take (on foot/by car/by bus/by train/by plane/by camel)? It’s quite far/close/near It’s not very far/it’s quite near It’s about (two) kilometers It’s (ten minutes/2 hours) on foot/walking/by car

18 Yonge Street Bathurst Avenue Lawrence Avenue Jewish neighbourhood Caribbean (West Indies) stores Eglinton Avenue West Eglinton Avenue East Spadina Avenue Broadview Avenue Coxwell Avenue Korea Town Bloor Street West Bloor Street East Greek Town Little Italy College Street Gerrard Avenue East Chinatown Little India Chinatown Dundas Street West

19 Discussing Cultural Point-of-View
* Excuse me, I have a question about _______. * Excuse me, I have some questions about ________. * How do I understand this situation? * What should I say in this situation? * In my culture, people usually (don’t) _____. * In China, people often / rarely _____. * In Canada, people would (not) _____. * In the U.S., people are (not) expected to ____. people feel comfortable _______. people feel uncomfortable _____ * It depends. If __________, then __________.

20 Some useful phrases: “Something happened…that I don’t understand.”
“I’d like to ask you about something.” “Can/could you explain it to me?” “How do I understand this?” “What are some possible reasons that (people do this)?” “Is it okay for (people to behave this way)?” “Is it considered polite for (people to behave this way)?

21 Language Tools: Acknowledging Other Points of View
In discussions, it is often good to acknowledge other points of view before stating your own, especially if you are going to disagree. As you pointed out ,… As you noted,… I can see why you think/feel I can understand I realize

22 Situation #1: You have just arrived in the USA to continue your studies. After a long and tiring flight, you pick up all your luggage and wait in line for a taxi. After a long wait, you finally get a taxi. When you get to your school, the taxi’s meter reads $32.50, so you start to get money out of your wallet. The driver stops the taxi, smiles at you and asks for $50. What kind of feelings do you have about this situation? Later, when you meet your American friend, what can you ask? What possible explanations can you think of for the driver’s behaviour?

23 Situation #2: Last night, you invited your Western friend Nancy to your home for dinner. Your family prepared a big meal in honour of your guest, with lots of local specialties. However, soon after the meal began, you noticed she was not eating very much, so your family encouraged her to eat more. Each time you did this, she would comment on how wonderful the food was and would eat just a little bit more (but not much). What kind of feelings do you have about this situation? Later, when you meet another American friend, what can you ask? What possible explanations can you think of for Nancy’s behaviour?


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