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Academic Affairs Fiscal Contacts Meeting

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1 Academic Affairs Fiscal Contacts Meeting
September 20, 2016 Adam DiProfio x22565

2 Agenda SOFI Fund Swap Recent Changes On-going & Upcoming Projects
ASSA Assessment Masters Growth Incentive – Enrollment balancing On-going & Upcoming Projects Divisional Support Model Decentralizing Benefits TA Allocation Formula

3 SOFI Fund Swap 1st Fund Swap completed in August
We will do a 2nd transfer in October Will likely need a final small transfer in June

4 Auxiliary & Self Supporting Activities (ASSA) Assessment
ASSA Assessment no longer based on expenditures Effective 16/17 based on 3.4% of revenue Process: Charges processed a month in arrears Charged at Level 2 Organization / Fund Level

5 Masters Growth Incentive – New Funding Methodology
Baseline Funding Departments receive all of the baseline funding they received in the original period. Growth Funding Allocate $9,280 per major student to the department based on the following split: 1. 25% of funds are allocated to home department. 2. 75% of funds are allocated based on change in enrollments from the baseline period. The new split allocates funds according to workload, so that departments are rewarded for the enrollment load they handle.

6 Proposed Resident / Non Resident Split
Current model assumes a 50/50 ratio of Res / Non Resident for new growth Actual ratio of growth was 90%+ Non Res Effective 16/17 –allocation is to be based on actual ratio

7 Divisional Support Model
Preliminary numbers to Dean’s Offices soon Deans will adjust and provide allocations to Departments Departments will need to submit an Operating Budget and Org Chart to Dean’s Office/EVC Budget should include all Operating Budget revenue sources including: carry forward balances, masters growth incentive, concurrent enrollment, summer session income, etc. Program Code Hierarchy

8 Changes to the Support Model
3% salary escalation Model funding increased from 98% to 100% 2 year workload average - Faculty up, Students up, Research down 20% increase in undergrad SAO workload ratios Increase in UG SAOs funding must be spent on additional UG SAOs Will include benefits

9 Decentralizing Benefits – Why?
Campus reporting shows a large budget within Academic Affairs that belongs in the departments Monthly reimbursement is administratively burdensome Benefits shouldn’t always be provided centrally Preparing for Composite Benefit Rates Academic Affairs is one of the last areas of campus with centralized benefits This is how soft-money budgets already work

10 Benefits – Tentative Plan
Allocate sub 6 benefits with allocations: Perm sub 0 & sub 1 TA & Temp FTE Other allocations where benefits are included Self funded activities provide their own benefits Until we have composite benefit rates we will adjust sub 6 balances at end of the year Prorated to sub 0 & sub 1 budgets provided by EVC

11 Potential TA Allocation Revision
Note: We are still early in the process Concerns about the current model: 2 decades old PRC ratios aren’t understandable / justifiable Faculty debit Used as a way to increase Grad support

12 Potential TA Allocation Revision
Potential solution Move to class/instruction type funded ratios (TA intensive vs. non-TA intensive) Course debit instead of faculty debit In order to work we would need: Consistent way to categorize courses Equitable TA needs across disciplines Supplemental Block Grant for additional Grad Support

13 Thank you. Adam DiProfio x22565

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