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Make it a Great Day! Monday, May 1st 2017

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1 Make it a Great Day! Monday, May 1st 2017
Warm-up: What do you know, or think you know about the land (physical geography) and people (human geography) of East & Southeast Asia? Please use a T-Chart to organize your ideas.

2 Make it a Great Day! Monday, May 1st 2017
Agenda: Attendance & Warm-up previewing the essential question Make-ups & Recoveries for Unit Test over South Asia (Unit 8) Pre-Test over East & Southeast Asia Does not count against your grade, but does determine your new partner and your growth from beginning to end of the unit, plus you will see these questions and possible answers again in a different way on the post-test. Preview East & Southeast Asia: Read/re-read and take notes on the “East Asia” and “Southeast Asia” sections of the introduction in the green book – pgs Skim pgs in blue book, excluding anything on Oceania, including Australia, New Zeeland and Antarctica. Continue your T-Chart, categorizing photographs into physical or human geography. Cool-Down responding to the essential question Essential Questions: What is my background knowledge of the significant physical and human geographic features of East & Southeast Asia? SSWG5 Materials you will need: Geography Notebook & writing utensil Both textbooks

3 Make it a Great Day! Monday, May 1st 2017
Cool Down: Describe one new thing you learned about the physical AND human geography of East and/or Southeast Asia today.

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