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Welcome to 4th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade

2 Communication
Scholastic Class Messenger

3 Reading Bookworm Reading Program
3 parts-Interactive, Shared, Differentiated Grades Writing/Language Spelling/Vocabulary Comprehension All grades will appear in the Reading section of the report card. There will not be a separate Language Arts grade.

4 Science and Social Studies
Science-We will cover: the solar system, weather, light, sound, motion and machines, and ecosystems Social Studies-We will cover: Native Americans, the colonies, explorers, Revolutionary War and it’s peoples, and the Declaration of Independence, economics, and the government

5 Math

6 Blue Folders Folders go home every night.
Sign folders Wednesday night. Students will miss 5 minutes of recess if they don’t have them. No Pride on Friday if folder isn’t at school.

7 Homework Reading-sign every Monday, study vocabulary and spelling
Math Maintenance Test

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